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S u s p i c i o n a n d R e a l i s a t i o n
Word count: 1098 words


anyways~ enjoy the episode.



She had been waiting for Hyunjin and Jisung for about an hour now, surely a "quick talk" should've been quick? She drummed her nails against her bedside table in pure boredom, leaning her head on her right hand.

'What's taking them so long? Are they okay?' She thought.

She fiddles with the lace of her dress, staring at the door with anticipation. Her (e/c) eyes swivelled to the window, in curiosity she stood up.

'Maybe I can see what they are doing... stupid idiots. Making me wait-' Her mouth hung open.

Jisung was holding a sword to Hyunjin's neck while pinning him against the wall.
Those idiots. Roughhousing in front of her? How cliche. She walked out of her room, her footsteps echoing around the corridors, gold flakes entwined with each marble post she passed.

She walked outside, and screamed so loud it interuppted servants tending to rosemary bushes in the distance.

"WHAT ON GODS GOOD EARTH ARE YOU TWO IDIOTS DOING." She shouted, immediately catching the princes attention.

"(N/n)... he threa-" Hyunjin started, sweat forming on his forehead.

"We're fine, my princess. We had our talk and wanted to.. play.. for a bit." Jisung interuppted. It didn't look like Hyunjin appreciated he remark.

"Honestly... well okay then. Hyunjin, let's get going." You stated, holding out a hand for the poor prince to hold.

Jisung cringed. That hand was for him to hold. Him and only him. He slowly brought his blade away from Hyunjin's neck, lowering it to the ground in dissatisfaction.

Hyunjin practically ran over to the princess, gripping her waist and hugging her close.

"Ah- Hyunjin! I said we could hold hands weirdo!" She laughed. How silly.

Hyunjin on the other hand was terrified. How could she not see it..? The events that had happened were sure to scar him forever.


I am thrown against the wall as soon as I walked outside, the air knocked out of my lungs kept me gasping as I felt a pair of hands grip my collar.

I looked up, confused and in agony I stuttered.
"P-prince Jisung!? W-what are you d-doing?!"

He stared at me with lifeless eyes, and a crazed smile on his face. It made my shudder in my boots. He gripped my collar harder, pushing me again and again into the wall.

"...you really thought you could trick me. Childhood friends..?" He snarled, his smile only widened to contrast to his words. My hands snaked up towards his grip, desperate to pull him away.

"I-im sorry.. but I assure you I was doing as you sai- AGH-" I choked on my words. A long, steel sword was pressed against my neck in an instant, almost cutting my jugular to pieces.

"... I didn't give you permission to speak.. now did I mutt." His smile wavered. I made a mental note to never do that again.

I nodded quickly, minding the sword at my throat. Why did he do this..? I had heard he was kind hearted and quiet, not surprisingly scary and intimidating.

"Good.. now-" the princess had walked in. God no.. I need to protect her. I don't know why.. but I feel the need to keep her at my side. Maybe it's because we're chdhood friends. Or maybe.. is it more..


He clutched onto her tightly, whispering 'are you okay' in her ear every few moments. It worried her deeply. Just what had happened while she was gone?

Prince Jisung had gone home, but didn't wait to hug Y/n goodbye first. Though it wasn't unpleasant, it was unneeded in her opinion.

She sat with Hyunjin in her room, but it wasn't like before Jisung had arrived. He clung to her arm, snuggling her shoulder. She didn't mind, hell she thought it was cute, but it was unusual to see him so cuddly towards her. Not like he wasn't a total Teddy bear.

"(N/n)." He whispered. She leaned her head downwards, waiting for his next words.

"What is it, Hyunjinnie." She asked, holding him with her left arm so he would feel comfortable.

From far away, they would seem like a couple cuddling on their bed, sharing kisses as the sun went down and the moon loomed over their heads.

"Jisung.. Prince Jisung.. he's so scary (n/n). So.. can I stay at your Palace for now..?" He timidly asked, his eyes fixed on the floor. She rose and eyebrow in amusement. Prince Jisung, scary. Now that was funny. But she had to take in account how scared Hyunjin seemed.

She sighed and held Hyunjin's head in her palms, a smile on her lips.

"Sure.. father and mother won't mind. And Yoongi likes you." She said, tilting her head to the side to watch his expression.

His face immediately heated up, his ears turning slightly red. He found himself looking at her lips with dazed eyes, before he nodded.

"O-okay.." he whispered, meeting his eyes with hers.

Her (h/c) hair.. to her beautiful (e/c) eyes. It astonished him. So much that he couldn't realise himself leaning forward, placing his hands on the back of Y/n's neck.

She didn't seem to notice it as well, leaning down slightly. She hadn't realised how close they were when his lips met hers. Her eyes widened, and so did his. But they didn't pull away.

She closed her eyes, wrapping her arm around his waist. He followed her motion, closing his eyes and pulling her forwards. When she pulled away, she could feel a small smile pull on her soft lips.

"I've been waiting to do that for 7 years now.." She admitted, slowly leaning Hyunjin's head against her chest.

The Prince couldn't be more happier. He had finally been able to have the girl of his dreams, and he didn't even make the first move! He cuddled her again, this time they were both laying on the bed, side by side.

As one Prince was as happy as can be, the other was furious. He was perched on a nearby Oak tree, his hands shaking in pure anger.

"How dare you.. Hwang Hyunjin. How fucking dare you." He whispered angrily, his words spewing out like flames.

"Now.. what should I do to you."

My King, My Love  (JISUNG SKZ FANFICTION)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt