Chapter Seven: After school

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The day went surprisingly well, nothing much happened and plus it wasn't as bad as anticipated. The two met up once again, more like Ranboo who waited for the Brit to come out of school.

He hummed a soft tune while waiting, a soft smile on his face as he patiently stood outside. A hallway packed with kids as it was getting noisy and hard to get through. It was so suffocating that it got on Tommy's nerves. Impatient much?

He winced an eye as he tried to pass through the crowds, swore to hold in a breath before finally getting out from the building. A relieved sigh from him whilst he once again, found himself breathing. "Fucking hell." He cussed under his breath, eyes that darted around for a certain person.

Throughout the place, the Brit's attention was being snatched by a tall brunette that stood there with his arms crossed. And if it wasn't for his bangs and his face covered, he swore he could've saw the look Ranboo gave him.

Tommy rolled his eyes and walked up to the male, giving him a gentle nudge on the arm. "So are we just gonna stand here or?" It was his turn to raise a brow whilst a smirk tug on the end. And that struck Ranboo with realisation, chuckling at himself. "Yeah, come on. Lets go" He smiled under that mask of his and began his pace, Tommy following in.

"Should've just brought my bike along" The blond suddenly said out with a pout that earned a snicker from the taller. "You can't rely on it too much, Tommy." He responded to which the other grimaced. "Shut up, Ranboob" He stuck his tongue out at Ranboo who only laughed at him.

Their walk back home was surprisingly peaceful, more calmer than yesterday. It was unbelievable on how fast they've clicked and it seem to went on well. Tommy had forgotten about the discovery from before and held on a not so normal conversation while he pesters on his new friend, not that Ranboo mind. He find him quite an interesting person in all honesty.

That was before their hands made contact. Tommy was quick to react with him pulling his hand off. The comforting atmosphere from before now shifted to a rather awkward one. None of them spoke but clearly, they were both getting nervous. Nervous of what? Of each other? How absurd,, but is it really?

"Sorry," The brunette apologized and glanced down, his hand that clutched on the end of his shirt and it was being noticed by Ranboo who couldn't help but smile. "Hey Tommy, ever wondered on how it's like to be in a crowd, just, people, without these strings." He spoke that made the Brit turned towards him.

To be frank, he hasn't. Tommy has gotten so used to them and to imagine the life without it is like, something new. "Actually, no?" He replied with a chuckle and flushed in embarrassment. Ranboo simply laughed, a soft and light hearted one. It wasn't like any laughs Tommy has frequently heard, I mean, he rarely pays any attention to these details but, hearing the American's laugh somehow caught most of his attention at him.

Without even realising it himself, he had been staring, way too far long than his thoughts. It concerned the taller who gently waved a hand in front of his sight. "Tommy?"

With that, he was being pulled back to reality. "Huh- yeah?" He said out and looked up with that one confused expression on his bandaged face. "You were staring" Ranboo blunted out, following another one of his light chuckle that made Tommy's face lit up a brighter shade of red. "No, I wasn't, stop spouting nonsense" He denied it and pulled up his middle finger up to the other, walking ahead.

To the taller's disappointment, it snapped again and he could only catch up to Tommy, hoping for another chance to see it tied, together. "Wait up!"

Admitting it to himself, he wanted his string to be connected once again. And the person who could make it happen, was the one beside him. Even if Tommy didn't want it to happen, he swore to keep these thoughts and feelings to himself. That was a promise. But we all know that promises were made to be broken.

"Hey, Tommy! Wanna go to the arcade?"

A/N: not proof read so if it's a bit weird lmk so I can fix it, I have this chapter on draft for days and I'm so sorry if it's short, I'm a very impatient person when it comes to things I'm very motivated in!! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and just know that your comments made my day and if I didn't reply to it then I apologize, thank you all! Have a good day/night!!

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