Well, I kind of already knew that last one but still.

"What are you, Leigh, jealous?" Perrie's comeback shakes me out of my thoughts and I have to chuckle at her words.

Leigh feigns annoyance and turns her attention to me. "We are here to cook lunch together, so you two don't forget we exist in that little bubble world of yours."

I look at her confused and act like I'm thinking really hard. "Who are you again?" That earns me a rather hard slap on the arm.

"I'm just kidding. I would love to spend the day with my three best friends." I smile, winking at Perrie.

"Yeah yeah, just get dressed so we can start." Holly waves me off.

The whole day was filled with laughter and chatting and just enjoying each other's presence. It had been way too long since we've had some quality time all together. I realized how much I have pushed my friends aside because I was consumed by my beautiful girlfriend.

I'll make sure to call Danielle too to catch up and I'm going to talk to Holly and Leigh more frequently.

After a mini Friends marathon, Leigh and Holly decide to go back home to their boyfriends. Perrie and I walk them out and wave at them from the door like an old married couple.

All of a sudden, I feel Perrie tense up completely next to me.

Perrie's POV:

It's him.

My eyes meet his for less than a second before he turns around, but I'm sure of it. It's him.

I stumble back into the house and Jade's arms wrap around my lower back instantly, making sure that I don't fall. How did he find me?

My mind immediately goes back to the moment a month ago were I also thought I saw a flash of him. Maybe I was right. What if he has been following me around?

That thought alone makes me sick, so I run away from Jade into the bathroom and empty my stomach in the toilet. Two hands hold my hair back instantly and Jade slowly rubs soothing circles on my lower back.

When I'm sure there's nothing left in my stomach, I stand up to go brush my teeth. Once I'm done, I turn around to meet Jade's eyes. "He was here, standing in front of the house and looking at me."

Jade looks confused for a second before she catches on to what I'm saying. "Perrie, sweetie, maybe you're just thinking about him more now that you're in therapy. Are you sure you saw him?"

My eyes widen in shock at her words and I quickly push her away from me to put some distance between us. "Are you saying I'm imagining things?" Jade tries to take a step closer to me, but I'm fast to take a step back.

"No, Pez, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying that it would be highly unlikely that he is here, so you don't need to worry. I just don't want you to worry." Her voice is soft, but I'm already fuming.

"Oh my god, you are saying that I'm imagining this. What's next? You're going to tell me I imagined being raped?" I say disbelievingly as I walk out of the bathroom to create more space between us, but of course, she follows me.

"Woaw, I never said any of those things, Perrie. Don't twist my words like that." I can tell by her voice that she's agitated too, but she has more self-control than me and keeps her cool.

"How would you feel if I told you that your depression was all just an imagination? That it's all just in your head? Well, actually, it is just all in your head, isn't it?" Jade looks taken aback by my comment and tears start to form in her eyes.

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