He was pathetic.

He seriously needed that break!


Playing football in the pouring rain was, believe it or not, not exactly one of Louis' favourite things in the world. Nevermind that he was already exhausted from spending his entire Friday morning going over the notes of his Literature Lecture, his mind now stuffed with literary facts and figures, the fact that he was drenched in a matter of minutes didn't help much with anything either. Well, okay, he felt a whole lot more awake now, but he also felt as if a cold was right around the corner for him. It maybe wasn't a problem for a bunch of vigorous Alpha and Beta boys to jog around the pitch in sopping wet clothes and maintain their body temperature, but it was for Louis' Omega constitution — which, that annoyed the fuck out of him and not for the first time. He hated being weaker and more prone to sickness just because what, his body was smaller and build for having babies? Like, what the hell? Shouldn't he be stronger and sturdier than everyone here for exactly that reason?

However much he couldn't understand it, biology made it that way and after sixty minutes playtime Louis couldn't keep his body from trembling any longer. His shots grew weaker by the second which lead to a ton of misplaced passes, he was slipping in the muddy grass more than any of the other boys which lost him at least two awesome chances at scoring a goal and he knew his team was getting fed up with him for losing the ball to the opposite team time and time again. He was sure, though, that none of his team mates were as upset with his performance as he was himself.

It was when he found himself once again slipping on the rain-slicked ground and falling to his knees — which resulted in Wesley snatching the ball from him and dribbling it to the other side of the field with an almost apologetic look on his face aimed at Louis' crumbled form — that there was an irritated, rain-garbled shout from somewhere behind him. It was just as he had managed to right himself once again that he realised the shout had been directed at him when an angry-looking Alpha crowded into his space. Louis blinked, taken aback at being so throughly and harshly stared down.

"What the fuck are you doing, Tomlinson?" Tim Ludovic growled at him, eyes flashing with unrestrained anger. Ludovic wasn't someone Louis had ever before had any contact with, really — all he knew was that the guy was, obviously, an Alpha, a third year student and the player who held the position of attacking midfielder before Harry transferred and snatched the place, along with the new captain title, away from him in a heartbeat. That must have sucked, Louis figured, but there was no need to get all up into Louis' face just because Ludovic was dissatisfied with his part in the team.

"In case you didn't notice, it's raining cats and dogs and the grass is one sloppy fucking slide, so excuse me for losing my grip. What the hell do you expect from me, especially if all I get are your shitti-ly aimed passes?" Louis bit back, refusing to shy away. And okay, maybe that wasn't the most thought-out thing to do.

Honestly, Louis sometimes forgot his place, especially because he became so used to being around Alpha and Beta guys during the last weeks, but ... well. He really shouldn't provoke any conflicts, if the way Ludovic flashed his teeth, as if snarling, was anything to go by. Louis' Omega winced internally, which led Louis to take a cautious step back. Fuck! He really tended to forget his own strength — or lack thereof, for that matter.

The game around them had come to a stop, as it happened so often these days when there was a clash between two of the players. Louis didn't know if the attention aimed their way was helpful or inconvenient. He was about to utter an apology just to get this stuff over with, when Ludovic pushed him in one swift, unexpected move. Louis would feel embarrassed for almost going down with it if he wasn't so terrified. He really had no way of protecting himself against the Alpha in any way. He fought to resist the urge to squeeze his eyes shut and curl up into a jittery ball of nerves on the wet grass.

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