Chapter 2

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Tuesday morning started for Louis with an English Lit lecture and a ton of worries. Although he enjoyed literature very much, especially the classics, he just knew that he would have a hard time keeping up in this class. With football practice scheduled for every weekday afternoon and games every other weekend he would have trouble with staying atop his readings, and the thought of relying on mainly internet summaries and Wikipedia for his uni exam (like he had done in school sometimes) made his stomach turn. He didn't want to fail, failing had never been an option for him.

Also, there was this Beta boy sitting a row before Louis, who continually threw him looks over his shoulder, eyes intense and smirk on point. It bugged Louis, stuff like this. He didn't want to be stared at, didn't want to be the object of anyone's fancy. He made sure to leave the lecture hall quickly as soon as the professor ended his monologue, because he didn't want to be stuck with the boy, who really seemed to gear up to come talk to him, or even worse, ask him out. Those situations always ended awkwardly and Louis was all for avoiding them. Telling people he's not interested in meeting them for coffee or lunch or a walk in the park just was embarrassing for everyone involved.

He didn't have time to spare anyway, since football practice started at one o'clock and he needed to grab a quick lunch if he didn't plan on passing out during laps. He knew that today, after yesterday's fitness fiasco, they would actually get to touch a ball and Louis was determined to be at his very best. He wanted to play the game, he wanted to prove he was worthy of his scholarship and he wanted the chance to get seen by any potentially attending scouts at games.

The dorm house was empty and silent when he returned, his flatmates all gone for their own uni courses or library dates, probably. Louis hadn't really bonded with any of the nine other people who were assigned the rooms on his floor. He met them all, of course, a variety of boys and girls, all Beta's, because the uni wasn't okay with mixing genders, apparently. Louis was glad about that, because he neither wanted to room with Alpha's nor Omega's, the chance of outing himself so much higher around them. The Beta's were okay, uncomplicated. All friendly and openminded, as far as he could tell, and they greeted him whenever he crossed their ways, which was nice. He maybe would have wished for one of them to be someone he could be friends with, but that didn't happen and, well, he couldn't force. And he had Niall now anyway. Probably would find someone else on the footie team, too. It wasn't a big deal.

He rummaged through his shelf in the kitchen fridge and came up with nothing but a low-fat yoghurt with raspberry flavour and some old Chinese take-out that he took straight to the trash. He couldn't even remember when he put that in there ... Saturday maybe? He would need to go shopping soon, he thought reluctantly as he went to his room and fell face first onto the bed, yoghurt and spoon in hand. He'd never imagined that living on his own would be such a hassle. That reminded him, he still hadn't figured out how the washing machine worked in this place. He hadn't needed to use it yet, since he had had enough clothes to suffice him for the first week and a half, but he was running lower and lower on underwear and his footie gear would need regular washings, too, now that training has started, because otherwise that would just end in a disgusting mess.

Flopping over onto his back with a low groan, Louis fished for his laptop next to his bed, setting it up on his blanket so he could watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy while he ate his meagre meal. Since he didn't have anyone to hang around with outside of his lectures and seminars he actually had caught up on quite a few series, which was good but also a bit depressing. God, he needed to get out and meet people, but that just wasn't his thing. He wasn't shy or insecure, exactly, but he wasn't as outgoing and forward as others either. It was difficult for him to make new friends. He had had quite a lot in school, but most of them he met before he presented as an Omega. After that, he developed difficulties with trusting people, just because this whole scaffold of lies was such a fickle thing, always on his mind, a part of him.

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