Hedgehog day

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Destiny's P.O.V.

It keeps happening. Over and over again Sara yells at Zari, we try to tell everyone what's happening and they put us under sedation because they don't believe us.

Then we die and it happens again. Until I manage to stay awake long enough for Ray to leave the Medbay and then rip off the bracelet with the sedative.

I fall asleep, of course, but not for long. I'm actually woken up by a call from Ava.

"Destiny, hey."

"Hi, Ava."

"I tried to call you but you didn't pick up."

"Sorry, I was in the middle of a mission." I lie.

"In the 70s?" She asks, eyeing my outfit.

"Yep. We got to do a disco performance."

"Wait, you can dance?"

"I can't. That's the problem."

"Maybe I could give you some pointers."

"Yeah, sure. I'll call you."

"Okay. It was nice talking to you again. Bye."

"You too. Bye."

I could rip off Zari's bracelet too, but we'll probably die before she has the chance to wake up. So, on wobbly legs, I leave the Medbay by myself.

Where I'm immedietly met with Nate. "What's the plan Tinny? First you and Zari piss off Sara, and now you're sneaking out of the Medbay."

I sigh. "I don't have a plan, because nothing I do matters anyway. Sara always yells at Zari, nobody believes what we say, and Ray always trips on his platforms. I have no idea why we're stuck in this time loop."

His eyes widen. "Time loop, you mean like 'Groundhog Day?'"

At my frown he gets a disappointed expression. "You don't know 'Groundhog day?'"

"I lived in the 20th century for 21 years." I defend.

"All right, it's a movie about this guy who relives the same day over and over and over again until he learns to be a better person. I know it sounds totally hacky. However, it's very well executed." He cuts himself off at the familiar shaking of the ship and that awful sound. "What's that noise?"

"Oh, that noise just means that we're all about to die." I casually reply because I really don't care anymore.

"All right, if what you're saying is true, and you find yourself in the loop again, find me, and say the words 'Groundhog Day.'"

At my sceptic expression, he yells: "Just do it!"


"Well, as long as you are on this ship, I'm your captain, and if you don't like it you can stop sticking around."

I see Zari is about to try and convince them once again, so I grab her arm and pull her with me. "Let's go fix the ship."

But before we leave, I run into the captain's office and take a small stopwatch. I set it to 1 hour and press start. "Oh, and watch out, Ray."

"Watch out for wha-" He doesn't get to finish his sentence because he trips.

I shrug and drag a tired Zari with me.

"What are we gonna do?" She asks.

"We're gonna find Nate." I reply.


I ignore her. "Nate... Nate... Library."

Of course first I get the call from Ava.

"Destiny, hey."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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