Chapter 37: Antipathy

Start from the beginning

"This is my home...and I came for my so-"

"You finish that fucking sentence and I'll cut your tounge out. I am not your son..."

"Evan!" Natsuki yelled as I finally turned around and face her with every ounce of agony in my body.

"You never had a son the day you walked out that door remember? You thought it was a good idea to just up and leave and never have anything to worry about ever again!"

Flipping the blade in my hand I begin stepping closer to her. Swallowing all my emotions I keep going as I block out anything the others say or do.

"You ruined everything since day 1 and when you saw there wasn't anything left to fuck up you move on! You leave me in the one place I call a nightmare because of what you did, what you did to dad, what you did to me!! And now you suddenly had the audacity to show up thinking everything is all well and Dandy?!?"

"That's not what's happening! Please just calm down...Your dad-"



My arm was starting to hurt since I was violently clenching my fist when I shouldn't be putting this much exertion on it but my mind was so fixated on one thing, I didn't care..

"So...I'll make this very simple for you. I don't know why you're here, I don't care for how long. You get 2 options here....get the fuck out of my house...or I will.."

My grip tightens around the handle of the kitchen knife as I stare her down. Her head already dropped as her eyes stared dead at her feet.

"Because right now every fiber in my being is begging me to kill you and this feeling is all thanks to you..."

"I have no excuse for what I did Evan...I know how much you hate me and I deserve every bit of it. But please believe me when I say I've come to fix it... I came back for you because I had to. I picked the worst time to come to the realization of how wrong it was for me to do this but it's because I was scared..." Her tears began to show as the drizzle down to the wooden floor.

I said nothing and just stood there, taking this entire breakdown of hers with no mental preparation.

"I failed you as a mother after he died and I was too afraid to live with that...I chose my dignity over my child and left and since that day I've hated myself for it. I knew that some day Sayori and her parents would come around and take you in but...I want to fix this..I want fix what I broke. I want my son back.."

Without wasting a second she would step forward and wrap her arms around me, sobbing into my chest as she tightens her grip but I don't return the hug.

Standing there for a few more minutes I'd throw away the knife and place my hand onto her shoulders and push her off.

"You're about ten years too late.." with that I throw my bag off and head upstairs leaving the others in the hall.

Upon entering my room I would pull out a medium sized back from my closet and quickly begin stuffing my things into it. Clothes, personal belongings like my knife and even pulled out my system.

I then stopped and stared at the lower drawer of my desk. Quickly getting up I'd take out the rope and stuff it into the bag as well and not a moment too soon.

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