Looking through the new booklet, Hope read all the things Josie had re-written for her. The things she learned, the memories she had thought of in the moment. The good and the bad.

She felt Josie lightly kissing her temple and the top of her head repeatedly, reading it as well. Every memory the two shared together.

"What if life could be this way?" Hope said, running her fingertips through the dried up ink.

"Like what?"

"Only the happy parts, none of the terrible, not even the mildly unpleasant. What if we could just cut out the bad and keep the good? This is what I want to do with you-- give you only the good, keep away the bad, so that good is all we ever have around us" Hope softly speaks flipping through the pages, one by one, until she lands on one of the bad pages.

A memory she had written down when her anger was at an all time high she felt like she could kill someone.

It was during the time she was away from Josie for almost two month.

"Hey babe look at this" Josie called out trying to reach for whatever was hiding underneath the couch. When she finally was able to slide it towards her, she picked up the paper like square.

"How did this get here" Josie smiled seeing the picture of her and Klaus, Hope's dad

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"How did this get here" Josie smiled seeing the picture of her and Klaus, Hope's dad.

"Isn't this the picture you two took when you spend summer vacation in New Orleans without me."

"Oh yeah when your dad kidnapped me" Josie laughed admiring the picture.

"That was one of the worst time of my life. Who's idea was it to spend time away from each other" Hope sighed rolling her eyes.

"Yours'. You said and I quote, 'Why don't you spend time with my family and I spend time with yours over summer vacation'. When you told your family they basically came to school the next day and took me to New Orleans. Aunt Bex bought me an entire new wardrobe." Josie says.

"I thought it would be nice for them to spend time with you but I didn't release just how sucky 2 months without you would be like." Hope chuckles, her eyes soften never once looking away from the picture.

"My time with your family was amazing, but it wasn't the same without you. How I would wear your sweater and cuddle your pillow pretending you were with me."

"The nights were always the loneliest" Both girls said in unison. They looked at one another, letting out a soft laugh.


"Hello" Josie shouted, walking into the gym room of the house. She looked all around. There was a small cage ring in the center of the room, along with a few weights and other exercise equipment.

If By Chance [Hosie]Where stories live. Discover now