Help Me Realize

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Josie looked out into the woods through the broken window of the secret spot in the old mill. Hope still peacefully sleeping, her head resting on the younger girls lap, as Josie played with her hair.

The day was still early. 3:15pm and as much as Josie wanted to close her eyes and rest just like her girlfriend, she couldn't.

She looked at everything in the small rundown shack like building, admiring the old wood, the small furniture, and a few things Hope and Josie had set up during there time there. The twinkling lights hanging around the ceiling, a few books stacked on a book shelf that was barley holding on to the last nail and a few painting Josie and Hope would do on random days.

This small tiny house, was theirs, with a few wood frames having Josies and Hopes name carved into it. Or the little drawings Hope would do with marker when she would be bored. Her favorite, on the right side of the window frame was a drawing of a wolf laying down by a girl next to a tree. It was a small drawing, made by sharpy, but Josie loved in nonetheless. And on the left side of the window frame was Josies simple stick finger drawing of two girls happily holding hands.

Josie snapped back into reality when she felt Hope adjusting herself, hiding her face in Josies stomach, as she placed small kisses there. Josie laughed and let out a yelp when she felt Hope bite into her stomach, softly.

"Why do you always do that" Josie laughed, trying to lift Hopes head up, but to no avail. Hope hung onto Josie tightly. "Baby" Josie called out to Hope before attacking her with kisses along her cheek and down her neck, biting it.

It was Hopes turn to let out a yelp, sitting up straight.

"How long was I asleep for?" Hope yawned leaning against Josie, trying her hardest not to fall back asleep. But Josie was just so comfort, Hope couldn't help it.

"About an hour and a half" Josie looked down at her phone.

Hope felt something on her chest, looking down seeing a sticky note stuck to her. She raised a brow pulling it off, and reading the cute note Josie left behind.

"So it doesn't hurt anymore" Hope read out loud. She smiled as a soft chuckle left her lips.

"Does it still hurt?" Josie asked.

"Does what still hurt? My heart" Hope said still looking down at the purple posted note. Josie simple nodded placing her hand on Hopes chest, right where her heart was.

She felt the soft thumbing press against the palm of her hand. Hope took a hold of Josies hand, bringing up to her lips and kissed it, before placing it back and holding it there for a moment.

"It doesn't hurt as bad as it did the night you left. It doesn't ache as much as it does when we fight. It isn't breaking into pieces as we speak. But there is pain... but its the good kind of pain" Hope smiled.

"Good kind of pain? I don't think pain can feel good" Josie said looking at hope with a raise brow. But then again she was talking to her girlfriend who took her mattress and rode it down the stairs because Kaleb had dared her, and slammed face first into the wall once she reached the bottom and knocked herself out.

"When you hit Landon in the face, how did it feel?" Hope smiled remembering her new favorite moment.

"It felt... good." Josie slowly spoke. "But my hand still hurt. Left a mark" Josie shook her hand a bit, shaking off the imaginary pain she felt as she recalled that moment in time. The way her fist made contact with the boys jaws, and how the stinging sensation made her hand throb.

"Thats how my heart is. It's getting better." Hope smiled taking Josies backpack that was off to the side, and pulled out her pocket sized note book. She leaned into Josie, her back pressed to the younger girls chest while she wrapped her arms around her.

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