Chapter 5: The Bravery

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Bibi and Tara's boring stroll had been going for twenty minutes now. While they continued their trying trek Rico and the rest of the Anti-Virus team sat in the control room brainstorming ways to assist the girls.

"What about-" Sandy yawned- "grabbing the coin-gunner and fixing it?" He lazily suggested.

Bull responded by placing his massive hand against the glass. The Virus hastily fired on the spot, scorching the clear partition. "Yeah... no."

"Though your idea has merit I believe the coin-cobbler cannot be repaired in time." Rico tried pressing some buttons and cringed when the cobbler started sputtering behind The Virus. A few sparks flew off its joints and added a detestable aura to The Virus's stance.

Sandy tried again, "Uhhh... what about we attack from both sides. He can't shoot us both."

Bull mulled over this idea, but Rico shot it down. "I do not want more senseless injuries."

Bull grew anxious from this empty contemplation, "Then what's the plan, Rico? Just sit around and wait for the girls to radio in?"

Rico's golden eye rolled about as he simulated their options. It made an exclamation point before flashing with a question mark. With a somber tone, he deadpanned, "I do not know..." The three adults silently marinated their predicament. Though they didn't show it, their lack of options was poisoning the mood. Rico absently fiddled with a gray marble.

Bull (looking to lighten the mood) asked, "What's that? New ammo?"

"This is a Risky Electronic Traversal and Reconnaissance Operator."

Bull turned to Sandy who gawked at him, "I translate Tara. Not robot."

Rico gave a one-eyed smile at their befuddled brows, "Call it RETRO. It is a special device that Brock made to make 8-Bit's maintenance easy." He tossed the sphere to Bull. It was so small that it fit between the wrinkles in his skin. "Once it enters 8-Bit's body, it will transform into a tiny drone that can assist in their journey. Though I do not think we will get to use it."

Bull tossed the marble back to Rico who placed it on the panel of buttons. They again fruitlessly attempted to brainstorm ways to safely assist their trapped companions.

Meanwhile, Milly had been listening in on their discussion. From her position beside Togo, she had to crane her neck to see the adults' interactions. She reasoned that they were referring to the ladies that had been transported into that monster's body. She felt a little self-conscious about their predicament. After all, it was the kids' fault that the laser beam shot them. There had to be a way for her to help.

Milly's desperate shuffling shoved Togo around. He scooted over so she could have some room and in turn pushed Don. "Watch it," the gothic kid grumbled. The black holes beneath his eyelid gave Togo an irritated glare. The blonde leader gestured to their sky-blue companion. She had successfully loosened her restraints and was quietly slipping off her stool.

Togo whispered, "Me. Untie me." Don silently agreed until he saw Milly moving towards him. He smiled a little knowing that Milly trusted him enough to untie him first.

Then Milly crept under the massive table they were sitting beside. "Milly? Milly!" Don sent out hushed screams. Though the way she was moving it looked like she was creeping closer to Rico's group.

The group in reference had begun wrapping up. Their defeated tones finalized with Rico declaring that any further brainstorming would only fry their already taxed mainframes. Bull begrudgingly agreed saying, "We'll just have to wait for them to call us..." You could taste the disgust with the unfortunate conclusion.

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