Chapter 1: The Call

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*tink* *tink*

His feet clamored on as he desperately clutched his flimsy arm. The internal bleeding had turned the skin purple.

*tink* *tink*

He looked back. The alley they had been attacked in seemed endless. The darkness swallowed everything that stepped within.

*Tink* *Tink*

It was getting closer. The sound of his demise. This sound had immobilized his brothers. And now it threatened to finish him.

*Tink* *Tink*

In their last breaths, they informed him to run. Run far away and survive. But this thing had been slowly chasing him ever since.

*Tink* *TInk*

It was just behind him. He was sure he would be able to feel its breath soon. Then a new sound filled his ears. The hustle and bustle of a busy street. Bodies casually walked past as they conversed about their boring days and wild nights.

*TInk* *TINk*

He was almost there. Just one more corner to round.

Then it stopped. The small sounds of metal clanging against cement. The brick-and-mortar establishments had fallen silent. Had they given up? The monster that attacked them must have gotten bored. That was fine. He would make his escape and find an EMT for his brothers.

He hit the corner at a dangerous speed, sliding and gripping the ground with his good hand. He could see it. The dim blue lights that led to the main street. They were like the holy light of the lord, reaching out to deliver him to salvation.

Then a shadow stepped in his path. A somewhat small figure with a slim waist and wide hips. Their arms spread outward to block his escape. One of those devilish mitts housed a massive extension to their wingspan. A long rod that grew in width at its end and sported a joyful smile.

Then he heard it.


His body went numb. The figure sauntered towards him as the metal bat tapped the ground rhythmically. He dropped to his knees and cried for her forgiveness. His insistent begging fell on deaf ears.


"Come on!" A child screeched as they rushed down the busy street. The sidewalk was open enough for them to dash along at top speed. Three tiny blurs burled past the many bystanders. One of the kids was a little girl with large bifocals, a litter of freckles, and a tiny notepad. Her hair was rustic brown tips dyed cerulean blue. The pigtails she had grown were long enough to play jump rope with. And of course, she wore clothes to match her nerdy demeanor. A red and white striped shirt that was mostly covered by blue denim overalls. She was lagging behind as the two boys kept up their feverish pace.

She came to a slow stop, panting heavily and reaching out. "Wait... *pah**pah* for me." The two boys skid to a stop. One signaled to keep going while the other quickly walked back to her. He crouched to her level, giving her a pity smile. She was embarrassed, "S-sorry..."

He placed a hand on her shoulder, "It's okay Milly. Take your time." Milly looked up to see teal green pools staring back at her. The warm smile he sported behind his dirty-blond bangs was enhanced by his pearly white teeth. The inside of his mouth shined like a Ken doll and his clothes looked like they came from the closet of American Boy toys. A Polo shirt with khakis shorts and white sneakers. The second boy was frustrated with how his friend constantly spoiled her.

"We can't just stand here. Rico's is gonna close in an hour and I want to beat my score on 'HYPER EUROBEAT'." He tossed his black hair to the side, punctuating his sentence. He blended in with the neon town thanks to the dark blue and black hues along his body. His black jeans were purposefully creased along the ends but the black Converse he sported had white soles. White much like his bright white pupils that were an inverse of his black cornea.

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