Chapter 11: Music Store

Start from the beginning

"How are you so sure?" I asked raiding my eyebrow, this is kinda entertaining....

"Just take it, will ya?" he asked also smiling a bit, well, I think he's thinking of the same thing.

"Thanks a lot and if you really wanna know my Birthday is December 13. A week from now." I explained.

Then something in the distance caught my attention. Just before I heard Dan mumble 'Shit' under his breath.

"Hey!, Dan" I waved my hand for him to come over.

"What, Tay?"

"How come-," then something came in mind, "Who said you could call me Tay?" I asking raising an eyebrow.

"Um" he thought about it for awhile, " I just thought that it's okay and b-besides-"

I laughed at his face, I know it may seem mean but, you should've seen his face. It was like he was a lost, shy kid who kept stuttering when a policeman is asking where he lost his parents. It was just too cute!!!

You may think that he's very close to me, not exactly but ever since the last three years, I'd found music more interesting than actually going out to the mall. And since I found this more interesting. I also found myself spending more time in this store and Since last three years Dan was working here so, it's safe to say we're kinda close.

"Hey! Laughing at a person is mean," he whined like a kid and started to stomp on his foot. Which just caused me to laugh even more.

"Stop, laughing!!" he said still stomping his foot. Then he said seriously, "but seriously why did you call me here?"

He waited patiently for me to stop laughing, hands crossed on his chest, it almost made me laugh again but that may piss him off so I refrained.

After I finished laughing and sobered up. I asked seriously,

"Why is this guitar still here?", come on, It's such a beauty why wouldn't anyone buy this.

"Well, the business isn't really that known...."

"Why wouldn't anyone not know this place, this place is like Heaven." I said throwing my hands up for dramatical effect.

"Not everyone thinks like you, you know." he said matter of factly.

"What is that supposed to mean?" actually there is some double meaning to the words and apparently he catches it too cause he started stuttering again

"I-I-I....... That's- not what I meant!"

I almost started to laugh again but decided not to, it might piss him off plus I've never have seen this guy's temper and who knows maybe it's like a wolf gone rogue cause when he was with me he always have this friendly aura and just plain coolness around him.

"Okay, I won't laugh at you but can I play this guitar again?" I asked indicating to the beauty in my hands.

"Sure, but don't scratch it." he said, "My boss would kill me!"

"Thanks." I pondered on a thought for a while.

"Hey, can you sing for me here?"

"Why don't you sing for yourself? I've never even heard you sing, like- ever, never heard you for the three years I've known you" he said raising an eyebrow.

"You're the lead singer of your band," I stated.

"Please, for me," he pleaded pouting his lips. Whining like a child. This guy is just my age and yet acts like a three year old.

"I sound like a frog," I shrugged.

"Promise, if you do really sound like a frog then I'm gonna laugh at you and I'm never talking to you again but if you don't sound like a frog, and maybe good singer potential, then I could still call you a friend." he shrugged.

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