Harry knocks on the door, and it swung open by a smirking Logan.

"Hey Harry," he said and grabbed Harry's wrist and yanks him into the house. "Go cook. We're hungry, and because you are late, we will teach you a lesson." He gets pushed into the kitchen, and Harry puts his stuff down and gets started on lunch.

Once again, the plate all the food while Harry is washing the dishes so he doesn't have any food left, but Harry was smart and ate while he cooked, so he doesn't care. He went up to his room to continue his schoolwork.

Luckily no one bothered him that day, and Harry stayed upstairs getting a lot of his work done. That was until around midnight when Nick and Simon decided to have some fun. He was fucked three times. Once by Nick, once by Simon, and the last one was a double penetration where they both entered his hole simultaneously. That last one, Harry couldn't hold back a scream when they first entered. He had to put his fist in his mouth to avoid any other scream in pain, but after a few more thrusts, he got used to it and went back to a blank face and limp body.

The next morning Harry woke up with shooting pain up his back and ass. He sighs but gets out of bed either way. He has to wake up earlier because he still doesn't know where the bus stop is to walk. Well, today, he will be limping around because he can barely walk after last night.

He wanders around to gather everything he needs and then goes downstairs, grabs an apple, and leaves the house. Simon had thrown him a key after he and Nick were done with him, so now he has a key to the home.

He remembered the walk to school from yesterday, and luckily he gave himself an hour to get to school, but he doesn't know if that extra fifteen-minute would be enough.

Sadly it wasn't, and he was fifteen minutes late to his first class. He sighs, but at least he didn't entirely skip the first class like yesterday. He knocks on the door, and his teacher opens it.

"Harry Styles?" She asked, and Harry nodded. "Well, it is a work period today on our project that they got yesterday. You will be working in pairs, and you have Louis as a partner," she said, walking into the class and towards his desk, and Harry followed. "I have put the homework pages and assignments and study guides for the test you missed in this notebook, and it is in the order of importance. Read through it. Let me know if you have any questions," she handed him a thick notebook and a small stack of paper. Harry took it, turned to face the class, and then returned to the teacher. "Louis raise your hand," she yelled, and a brunette in the back raised his head and raised his hand. "Harry, that is Louis, your partner," she said, and Harry walked over to him, and he realized he had feathery caramel colour hair and blue eyes and a cute button nose.

Harry shook his thoughts away, not letting them travel any further, then pointed out his appearance and sat down beside him.

"Hey Harry," Louis said, and Harry nodded and then read over the page with the project's instructions. Louis frowned at the lack of response, but when he looked back at Harry, he saw how void of emotion his eyes held. It was like nothing was behind it, and his face was pale, and he just looked kind of dead or gone. It was like he was a shell of a person but no person inside.

Louis once saw this with his sister Fizzy when she hit a low point in her life during a toxic relationship, and he nearly lost her. She is better now and doesn't go to school but gets homeschooled while recovering. Louis hated seeing his sister in that position and seeing Harry exhibit the same symptoms. He immediately feels the need to help pull Harry back to the surface. Put some light into the boy.

Harry turned to face Louis after reading and raised his eyebrows.

"I haven't started. Figured we will start together today," Louis answered Harry's unvoiced question. "I have you know I'm shit at maths. I will try to help the best I can, but please be patient with me."

Numbness - Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now