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lee came to visit.

it was quite a shock to me.

i hadn't seen him since the day of your funeral.

he was so upset.

he was upset with me.

he looked so tired.

he was upset that i had left.

he was upset that i wasn't responding to any letters that were being sent to me.

he was so worried about me.

i hadn't even noticed the large sums of letter resting on the balcony.

i feel awful.

it must be hard for him too.

he told me that it was okay to be sad.

that it wasn't my fault.

"nothing can change what happened" he said.

he told me that i didn't need to push the others away.

that my feelings are just as worthy.

he said that you loved me so much.

hearing those words made my heart ache.

our fates were just too different, and we've been torn apart because of it.

he said that you planned on proposing to me after the war.

is that true freddie?

you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me?

he kept on reminding me that i meant so much to you.

that you adored me.

that you loved me.

that you cared for me.

he said that you would want me to be happy.

that it would kill you seeing me in the state i'm in.

is that true freddie?

i'm sorry, but it just hurts so much.

it hurts being without you.

he said that i need to move forward.

that i need to continue living because i'm still alive.

he shortly left after.

"you aren't alone y/n. if you ever need anything, we'll all be waiting for you" was the last thing he said before apparating out of the house.

maybe it's time freddie, time that i begin moving forward.

even if it's just a few steps.

i'll do it just for you, i'd hate to see you sad.

i love you.

sincerely from,

your living lover

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