author's note

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Hello my lovely people!

It's me! I'm not dead :D

Okay, so, I wanted to give you all an update on why I haven't updated in so long: School has started once again and is keeping me very busy - I barely have time to do anything other than going to school, homework and study. It hurts me to admit that writing can't be a priority right now. And I am really sorry for that. Not only sorry for the people who enjoy this story (if there are any??), but also sorry for me - as writing this story gives me the greatest joy. 

However, this note is by no means a farewell letter, (because I still have great things planned for this story) it is simply to give you an explanation for my absence.

I hope I can get back to writing soon. Until then, I wish you all the best, a wonderful autumn, success with shifting, a good mental health and great smut time here on wattpad!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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