one - dear enya

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Finally, the school year had come to an end. I loved going to school at Hogwarts, I really did, but it was long past time for a break. I was frustrated by the subjects, the huge amounts of homework and the end-of-year exams, which, despite my aversion, I had all passed with an 'O'. All except History of Magic, where I had only gotten an 'E', probably for the reason that I had had a hard time to stay awake and actually listen to what Professor Binns was trying to teach, with his dull, dry voice and lack of enthusiasm and motivation, and that I had therefore had to teach myself the subject in my spare time.

I was more than glad that the summer holidays started tomorrow, and it was heavenly to think about it. Although I could already feel my heart aching from the absence of my friends.

Normally, I would spend the summer at the Burrow, but this year my mother and I had promised to spend it together. I had never spent the whole summer at home, not since my first year at Hogwarts; my best friends had made sure of that. The Weasleys were like the family I had never had. The atmosphere of their family was so cosy and warm; the first time I had been there had been unusual and uncomfortable. Miss Weasely had welcomed me with a 'Big Mama Bear Hug', I remembered how I had held her loosely and patted her back awkwardly. Nevertheless, she had held me even tighter when she noticed and told me how excited she was to finally meet me after Fred and George had told her so much about me all year in their letters. Then, after releasing me, she had made me and the whole Weasely lot hot chocolate and placed a plate with such a giant pile of chocolate biscuits on the dining table, that I had thought I had visited Nirvana instead of my best friend's house.

Everyone in the Weasley family had taken me in immediately. All the time I had spent there, there had been no shouting, arguing or swearing, or none that was serious. It was all joy, laughter, family and friendship. I didn't have that at home, and at first it had seemed strange that some people had that every day, but now I couldn't think of a better way to spend the summer.

However, in all the summers I had spent there, I had always missed my other best friend. Draco Malfoy. Ever since I got sorted into Slytherin and sat down at my house table for the first time, Draco became my best friend. He sat next to me on the first day and sat next to me for the next six years. In school we never spent a day without each other, even when we were fighting. We didn't talk and made some little provocative comments here and there, but we still didn't leave each other's sides. Yet, our fights never lasted more than a day as we just couldn't stay mad at one another. One would always break the silence, intended or not, we would begin to rant about something or tell the other one a joke they had recently heard. I didn't know why, but we just couldn't live without each other's company.

Our relationship might seem complicated, but it wasn't for us. We could talk about anything, and really anything, from the most insignificant things we could think of to our family dramas. We understood each other. In every aspect there was. And we could trust each other. There were many snakes around, both of us had experienced such, but there was not one time we needed to question our loyalty.

But apart from that, we had the funniest time together. We shared the same humour, if you could even call it that. I had to admit, it was a very dry sense of humour; we could laugh at anything and everything.

Despite the fact that we had been close friends for so long, I had never been at his home. I had to confess, I was slightly scared of his parents. Mister and Misses Malfoy intimidated me, and not only me, it seemed as if the whole Wizarding World was. And besides their appearance and the reputation they had, Draco had told me stories about his father, how mean and cold he could be sometimes, and I certainly didn't like to experience that.

However, I thought about the upcoming summer with my mother. We had never really spent much time together, mainly because I locked myself off in my room as soon as I set foot in our house. But it never seemed as if my mother cared if I did so, that left me with the impression that she didn't want to talk to me or spend time with me anyway. I was beginning to feel really nervous about whether we got along, what we would talk about and what we would do. It almost felt like I got my first chance to really get to know my mum, because until now, I had only ever seen negative sides of her, or none at all.

good girl - Lucius Malfoyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن