Getting Comfy

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We arrived at a cottage looking house but with three tree trunk looking things branching off to the other cottages in the air. They had little mushroom roofs. It was so cool.

”Alright, we're here,” eugene said. Ari grabbed my hand and ran up some stairs.

”This is the main area, where we cook, eat, and relax together!”She then ran to the right of the house.”This is my room,” ari excitedly said.

I looked around the room, there was a bed to the left of me with a wood table next to it. Then to the right of me is a window looking outside, which isn’t much cause there is a bunch of trees around the house. There’s also some vines and tree branches in the room.

”Do you like it,” ari smiles at me brightly. I nod my head yes.

Eugene walks up and says,”Wanna see mine”,”Sure”. I follow eugene to his room. His room was much neater than ari’s. A bed to the right, some poster’s, and a window at the same place as in ari’s room.

There was a table next to the bed, it had a lamp and a snowglobe type of thing. I went closer to the snowglobe. Closer it had three people in it but I couldn’t tell what they looked like.

"Hey eugene,” I started to ask him. Eugene looked over at me.”I like this snowglobe, where did you get it?”,”Oh I got it from a local village about two miles from here i'm going to go tomorrow”.

Ari quickly popped into the room and said,”You can’t come though since you're human.”

I nodded my head ok.

I walk into the main area ari and eugene following close behind. I turn to the last tree branch.”Don’t go in there, that's zera’s room, you guys already got off on a bad start,” Eugene told me carefully.

Rolling my eyes, I start heading up there. Eugene simply sighed and walked away saying,”I warned you”. Ari just followed me, probably to make sure zera doesn’t kill me.

The door opened with much force and I walked in there seeing clothes on the floor, the window open, and the room an overall mess.

I looked around trying to find the girl but she wasn’t there. The girl behind me let out a sigh of relief.''Thank goodness she’s not in here, zera’s just outside practicing her powers,” Ari said.

From the way she said that this is probably a common thing.

I walk over to the window and see zera dodging tree branches. She was doing so good until she noticed me watching her. Zera sent a branch my way but I ducked before it hit me.

”What was that for,”I yelled at her.”I should be asking you what you were watching me for and more than less in my room,”she yelled back.”Taking a tour of the house isn’t it obvious,”I yelled back to her. Zera scoffed and from what it sounded like went back practicing.

Getting up slowly heading to the door, I made it out safely.

When I came down eugene had made tea for us. It smelled good.”What kind of tea is this, it smells good,”I say while eugene gives me some. I sipped some from the cup. A mixture of tastes filled my mouth. Lavender, peanuts, and chocolate.”It’s Lavender tea but I add some of my own ingredients to spice it up,” eugene says with a smile.

Drinking the whole thing, I slide it back to eugene hoping for more.”Sorry I only made a little,”eugene said.”Oh ok it’s fine,” I tell him.”So where am I sleeping,”I ask.

Eugene puts the cups in the sink and looks at ari like he knows what she thinking.”Oh Oh you can sleep in my room, i’ll make sure zera doesn’t hurt while you sleep”. I chuckle and say,” Thanks ari, i’ll be glad to have a protector by my side”.

She gets up from her seat and heads to her room. Turning back to eugene, I find him washing the dishes.”Will you be ok here by yourself with zera because if you aren’t then i’m sure ari doesn’t have to come with me,” Eugene says.

’We got off on the wrong note so maybe I can try and make it better’.

”No i’ll be fine, i’ll just stay in ari’s room until you guys get back”, I tell him.”Ok then,”eugene says.

Just then ari come’s running down the stairs and grabs my arm, pulling me upstairs. She puts her hand over my eyes. Ari almost right after removes her hand showing a fort in the room she made for me.

”Here’s your bed you like,” Ari asks excitedly. I walk over and sit down in it.’It is so beautiful’ I thought. I look over and smile widely.”I love it,” I tell her. Ari starts jumping up and down. I can’t help but smile at how happy she is.

”Hey keep it down!,” Eugene yells from downstairs. We both start laughing and yell down sorry.

”What time is it?,” I ask curiously. Ari goes to her window and looks up.”Well from where the sun is I would say~,” she moves closer to the window.”It should be 8:31,” Ari said. I slightly nodded my head.”Well we should head to bed,” Ari said.

My eyes widened.''Are you serious that's way too early, let's wait at least till 9,” I half yell half whisper.

Ari walked over to her bed and plopped down.”Well human us fairies are different than you ok, so if I want to sleep at this time then I will,” Ari says a little sassy. I roll my eyes at Ari and turn my back away from her.”Whatever,” I muttered.”Well goodnight human!,” Ari says yawning right after.

Quietly saying night, I suddenly feel really tired. After a few seconds I fall asleep unexpectedly. 

Word Count:1011
Second chapter yay. I'm sorry this took to long. The editing and writing it made it longer so I'm sorry for that.

I hope you enjoyed the story. Byeee

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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