Greenie (7)

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-Resistance Base-

Broken. A word often described as when something either doesn't work or has stopped working. Or when something gets dropped and smashed into a million pieces. That's how Lloyd is feeling right now. Broken and sad.

Earlier today him and the Resistance outsmarted the Sons Of Garmadon and surprisingly managed to catch their leader. The Quiet One. Harumi.

She is tied up at the moment. Gagged and tied to an old chair. Even when she wasn't gagged she refused to speak. The Resistance were discussing what to do with her. Bargaining her off was quickly brought up but as twice as quickly thrown off the table. It was too risky. Lloyd really should be paying attention to his fellow Resistance members but his attention is currently preoccupied.

See a very well known fact about Lloyd was that he had fallen for the Quiet One before her betrayal but a more unknown fact about him is that he still DOES love her.

Love. Such a powerful drug when used properly. Some may say that Lloyd is blinded by love for the Quiet One and they're probably right. He would never admit it though. He cant admit those feelings. That would cause too many unnecessary arguments and at the moment Lloyd couldn't deal with that.

The Green Leader didn't really know what he was thinking when he proposed to keep a watch on her during the night. It wasn't going to end well. The Resistance agreed but that only frightened Lloyd more.

Night fell way faster then Lloyd would've hoped. The Resistance grabbed their brown blankets and went to sleep while Lloyd grabbed a chair and made his way towards where Harumi was being kept. He only stopped when he felt a presence behind him. Nya.

"Lloyd, are you sure you want to do this?" Nya asked in a concerned tone

"I'll be fine" Lloyd replied in a monotone voice, a lie

"Your a bad liar" She commented with a small chuckle

"I'll be fine" Lloyd insisted again

"You don't have to do this you know. She hurt you so much its unfair to ask you to stay in a room with her all night" Nya sighed

"Its ok Nya. Go get some rest and we'll talk in the morning ok?" Lloyd stated, flashing her a quick smile

Nya hated it when Lloyd is like this. So adamant to do the things he doesn't need to. She knows him too well though, there is nothing she can do to change his mind once its set.

"Fine. See ya in the morning" Nya muttered before leaving

"Goodnight" Lloyd called out but she was already gone

Next he turned to the door. The other side of that room is where SHE is being kept. Lloyd gulped before slowly walking towards the door. Regret and uncertainty suddenly hit him like a train but he told himself that there was no going back now. He heard the door creak as he pulled the handle with his sweaty palm. He peaked his head through the door and saw Harumi sitting there...Asleep. Some part of Lloyd was disappointed. Some part of him was underwhelmed after all the build up. A large part of him ached from seeing her.

Lloyd tiptoed carefully into the room and placed his chair in front of her. He dropped his brown blanket to the ground and took a seat. Once he sat down a draft of wind hit him. After taking a moment to think about it, it felt freezing in the room. Lloyd darted around to see the source of the cold weather and spotted a window open just below the roof. Far too high for him to reach and close it. Once he saw that he realized that Harumi was shivering in her sleep.

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