Gazing At The Stars (3)

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-Ninjago City-

Lloyd grabbed Skylor as she lost conciseness. Her eyes had shifted into a dim purple. Garmadon's powers have done something to her. He suddenly heard a loud crash and snapped his head around. He saw the Colossus crash into a building but that wasn't what concerned him. He also saw a terrified Harumi on the roof of said building. The building started to shake as if it was about to collapse and Lloyd panicked

'No, no, no, no' His mind panicked as the building rattled

Despite everything she had done to him, Lloyd could never grow to hate Harumi. He still loved her. He saw her slowly lift her head and stared right at him. Fear, regret and sorrow in her eyes. Even though there was quite a distance between them he still saw her looking right at him, mouth agape.

"Rumi" He muttered quietly as he swore she muttered his name too

He saw the building start to violently shake. It was about to fall any minute. Lloyd couldn't sit and watch even if it would put his life at risk. He took a deep breath as he gently handed Skylor to Nya.

"Lloyd, what are you doi-"

"Get out of here, I'll meet you soon" Lloyd stated as he walked to the edge of the building

"Lloyd, where are you going?" Nya pressed

"Just need to take care of go" He stated as Nya reluctantly nodded

He watched for a brief moment as Nya and Dareth ran off with Skylor before jumping off the building. He managed to harvest enough focus to activate his airjitzu but he feared how long he could maintain the focus needed. Airjitzu requires a lot of energy and focus and as airjitzu drains energy the Ninja didn't use it that often. Lloyd sped towards the building as fast as he could, desperately trying to reach it before it fell. Lloyd luckily managed to land on the building. He faced the white haired girl with a concerned look.

"Lloyd?" Harumi blinked as if she thought she was dreaming

"Harumi, take my hand" He ordered as he lifted his hand

Harumi took a step back. After everything she did he is still trying to save her. She didn't deserve to be saved. She deserved to die a horrible death for what she did to him and everyone else.

"No...I deserve to die!" She shouted, voice cracking as tears sprung from her eyes

Hearing those words made Lloyd's heart shatter. He didn't see the point of life without Harumi anymore. 

"No you don't...please" Lloyd yelled, voice on the verge of cracking as tears threatened to fall

"No...I have ruined your life, helped to destroy the City, resurrected Garmadon..." She trailed off

"And for what? be proven wrong, to realise that YOU were right all along!" She screamed at the top of her lungs

"This is my comeuppance" She muttered darkly as the building slowly started to sink

Harumi noticed this and shot her head up.

"Go!...stop Garmadon, save the day" She pleaded as Lloyd shook his head vigorously

"Not without you!" He shouted

"I cant go with you Lloyd" She muttered

"Please come with me Rumi...I need you" Lloyd admitted

Harumi froze. He 'needed' her? Her heart started to ache as she stared blankly at his broken face. Before she knew what she was doing she grabbed onto his hand and was suddenly lifted in the air. Lloyd had used airjitzu again as Harumi looked down and saw the building fall beneath her. She HATED heights. She had always kept it a secret but she hated heights. She hated living in Borg tower. She saw how high up in the air she was and clung onto Lloyd on impulse. She didn't realise what she was doing nor did she realise that she buried her face in his chest. She didn't even realise that Lloyd had safely landed on another building and started to play with her long silky hair.

"Rumi" Lloyd murmured softly into her ear

"We're safe now"

Harumi lifted her head slightly before letting go of Lloyd. She looked around the City and saw the Colossus rampaging through it. Garmadon had regained control over the Stone Beast and the Resistance was nowhere to be found. She looked over the City with sorrow and regret. How could she have been so stupid to think resurrecting an evil Warlord would fill the void in her heart. Why did she think that bringing Garmadon back would somehow avenge her Parents when all she truly needed was Lloyd. She felt a hand gently rest over her shoulder.

"Come on, I have something to show you" He muttered softly

She nodded slightly, curious on what he would want to show her.

-Rundown Shop-

Lloyd led her to a rundown shop on the outskirts of the City. They had to climb a hill to reach it but they made it there after some time. It was night by the time they reached the shop. Lloyd led Harumi inside and onto the roof and what she saw left her mouth agape. The roof held one of the most beautiful views she had ever seen. The stars gleamed in the night as the roof showed off a view of the entire City. Lloyd led Harumi to the edge and took a seat while signalling her to do the same. She complied and gently rested her head on Lloyd's shoulder. They sat there for what felt like forever, just gazing at the stars....kinda. Lloyd was gazing at Harumi the whole time. She felt his eyes on her and smirked slightly.

"Problem?" She asked with a smirk and watched as he faltered

"Wha...uh NO...I was just uh...watching the stars, YES...watching the stars" He babbled which made her giggle

She rolled her eyes playfully as he continued to ramble nonsense. She grew a bit tired of his rambling so she shut him up by crashing her lips against his. He froze in shock for a few moments before finally kissing back. She snaked her hands around his neck as Lloyd started to fiddle with her hair again. They finally parted to breathe. They stared into each others eyes, getting lost in them. Harumi sighed slightly before muttered

"Sorry...I didn't want THIS to happen an-" She was cut off when Lloyd gently placed a finger on her lips with a warm smile

"Its ok, I get it...I forgive you" HE stated with a smile as Harumi blinked

She froze for a moment before replying

"How? could you be so kind?" She muttered, flashing him a confused glance

"Because I love you"




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