Its Me (4)

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-Prime Empire-

"Choose your Champion!" The Computer spoke in a deep voice

A screen appeared in front of Nya, Jay and Lloyd showing icons of them.

"So now its an old school fighting game, make up your mind Dude!" Jay dramatically yelled as he flung his hands in the air

"What does he mean 'Choose your Champion?'" Nya wondered out loud

"Choose your Champion" It spoke again

"Ok, I think one of us has to fight the boss" Jay stated as Lloyd raised an eyebrow

"I'll take this one" He instantly volunteered, stepping in front of Nya and Jay

Lloyd took a step towards the screen before Nya stopped him

"Are you sure?...You only have one life left Lloyd" Nya pointed out worriedly 

"Same as you" Lloyd stated, turning to them

Jay and Nya nodded in agreement before Lloyd turned to the screen and pressed his icon.

"The Champion has been chosen!" The Computer announced as Lloyd stepped into the arena

"Unagami, choose your opponent" It ordered as a screen appeared with icons of familiar faces such as Clutch Powers, Aspheera, Garmadon and the Chicken

Lloyd drew out his green and white sword as he patiently waited for Unagami to choose his opponent.

"Fighter 2 will be..." The computer announced as the fighter spawned in front of Lloyd

He froze. His heart stopped as he stood mouth agape at the sight in front of him.

"Lloyd?" Harumi spoke, opening her eyes

Lloyd stared at her with wide eyes, no clue what to say. After a few moments he took a shaky breath before muttering

"H...Harumi?" Lloyd questioned as Jay and Nya flashed confused glances at eachother 

"Its good to see you again Lloyd" Harumi stated with a smile as Lloyd suddenly felt a warm feeling inside him

"How?" Lloyd asked as he started to walk towards her

"Its not her Lloyd...its just a trick!" Jay yelled before being stopped by a forcefield

"A forcefield" Jay gasped

Jay and Nya both knew how much Harumi meant to Lloyd even if they didn't like it. They knew that he secretly still missed her even now. She died AGES ago. They still knew that whoever was in there with Lloyd wasn't Harumi, it just didn't make any sense.

The couple continuously tried to call his name and bang on the forcefield but he didn't here any of it. He blocked every noise out of his head except Harumi's voice. Each step towards her made his heart beat faster. Could it really be her?

"Did you miss me Lloyd?...I think about you so much" She admitted as she walked towards him

'Of course I missed you!' His mind screamed

he also felt a pulse of happiness from her statement about her thinking about him a lot.

"Sometimes I wonder...if things could've been different, maybe in another time or place" She continued as Lloyd nearly got lost in his thought again

'This time and place will do' He thought

"Maybe we can be together again...just YOU and ME" She stated before stabbing him with a katana

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