chp 1, new voice

913 43 3

_-Errors POV-_

I had came back from battling with those idiots, they really didn't believe me, did they?

Well no matter, of coarse they wouldn't believe me, they think I'm delusional, they think I'm a monster!

Maybe I am,

But any-who I sat down upon the blue bean bag chair that sat messily on the anti-voids floor.

I had the feeling that something was off,
I ignored it until I heard something.

Almost like a speaker turning on and emitting muffled white sound before I heard a calm voice echo throughout the white void I call home.

"Hello error." The voice stated calmly as I jumped a bit in my non-existent skin.

"A different voice this time... Must be fate messing with me again.." I mumbled to myself as the voice spoke once more.

"I wanted to know how you've been! How was your day?" This confused me, usually the voices fate sends act nice at first and then yell at me once I get used to them, but this voice started small talk as if it was an old friend...

I guess I just kinda gave in since I could care less what happens now.

"Well let's see, I fought the star sluts, went over to nightmares mansion for a bit to help horror make lunch, I hung out with the charas, stole some of fells chocolate, and then got into another fight with the stars but suspiciously it was only dream and blue. Honestly thought ink had finally ran out of vials and went to die in a corner or something but of coarse he came to the rescue and kicked me into a portal here." I stated blankly as the voice hummed at my words.

"Huh, I haven't rambled like that in a while..." I looked down at the white floor in deep thought.

"Well it's ok to lose track of things! Everyone does it!" I snapped out out my mind space when the voice began speaking, I honestly wanted to know what this things plan was.

"So what's your plan random voice? To spy on me, to kill me, to give fate information, or maybe even to just annoy me?" I stated trying to be as straight forward as I could.

The voice seemed to pause before answering.

"I want to know why you destroy and what your true life besides being a destroyer is about!" The voice stated.

"Ok slow down, before you know every aspect of my life at least tell me your name." I kind of demanded as the voice fell silent before answering.

"I don't currently have one... Would you like to name me?" The voice asked.

I've never named anything before so I had to think hard on this.

"Hmmm, what about phantom? Since your a disembodied voice it's nearly the same as a phantom." I stated as I heard the voice hum. They seem to hum a lot.

"Alrighty! Phantom it is! So, can you tell me about yourself now?" I groaned before turning into a more comfortable position on the beanbag with my legs over each other and my arms behind my head.

"Hmmm let's see, my favorite edible item is chocolate, my favorite color is galaxy blue, im pretty decent allies with nightmare and his gang, uhhh anything else?" I couldn't exactly think of a lot of things about myself since I rarely think about myself.

"What's your sexuality, pronouns and best friend?" Phantom asked as I thought about it.

"I'm asexual Omni-romantic, which means I dislike sexual activities but I would date someone if I could... If anyone would date a destroyer like me... I go by they/them/glitch/mistake, and uhh, I don't really have any friends honestly. Just allies. At least, I don't think they like me as anything more than an ally." I stated, I decided that since ink wasn't creating any more aus I would rest a bit, I grabbed some knitting supplies and began a plush of classic, while closing my eyes. I'm pretty good at it since I taught myself how to knit while blind when ink bashed in half my skull one time.

I heard phantom 'oooooo' at my knitting and I sighed.

"Are you staying or leaving?" I asked as I was nearly finished with the plush.

"I'll be staying!" Phantom giggled as I groaned out loud.


.voices. an Fgod error story.(Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now