babykiri and mamabaku

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Okay so here is baby kirishima and mama bakugou

Things in the one shot: mamabaku,baby kiri,clingyness,and breastfeeding

One shot description: kirishima is helping a old woman cross the street when he accidentally gets hit with the old woman's quirk and somebody's walking by and run to see what happened who is this person? Is he friend or foe? Good or bad? Let's find out!

No one's pov

Kirishima was walking to school when he saw a old woman trying to cross the road so he quickly ran over to her "um do you need help miss?" He asked the old woman the old woman looked at him and nodded "yes sonny boy I could use some help in my old age" the woman says kirishima nods at her so he helps her get cross the road after she gets cross the road she turns to thank him when she accidentally hit him with her quirk turning him into a
A baby lucky she caught him before he fell on the ground

Bakugou's pov

I was walking to school when I saw this old woman accidentally use her quirk on some baby so I ran to see if they needed help
Once I got there I bent down so I could see the woman "um?"
I say the woman looks at me. "I accidentally used my quirk on this youngster" she says to me I look at the woman " what is your quirk? I mean if you don't mind my asking" I say "my quirk can make anyone a baby again for four weeks " she says and I nod

"Where is the baby than?" I asked her so she opened her hands to see a red haired little baby boy he opened his eyes as soon as he saw me he tried reaching for me and crying "do you know him?"
The old woman asked me "kiri? Omg that is kiri" I say I quickly grabbed kiri from her arms and put him to my chest "yes he's a classmate I'll take it from here also thanks for watching him!"

I yell while I pick up his stuff and start running to school minutes later I see the school so I run up the stairs and start going to the teachers Lodge. As I'm going to the teacher's lodge I run into bald
Sensei he glares at me "babies aren't suppose to be at school" he says to me I'm now confused "he's not mine" I say this seems to piss bald sensei off more "than who brought a baby to school?" He
Asked me "no one did this is kirishima" I say now it's vald sensei's

Turn to be confused "what?" he says dumbfounded I sigh and rub kiri's back "he was helping a older woman cross the street when she accidentally used her quirk on him and in was there lucky and here I am anyway I have to find aizawa bye!" I yell once I'm at the teachers lodge knock before coming in

(Wish my sibling did this but sadly no cause it seems to be impossible to knock for you buy not for me ok)

When I walk in I see aizawa grading papers I clear my thoart to get his attention "aizawa?" I ask he sighs and takes off his reading glasses "yes?" He says "kirishima has turned into a baby" I say he quickly gets up "bakugou...." He says I smile down at kirishima

"This time and this time only will I take a baby willingly" I say he nods kirishima starts crying so I give him the paci I always keep with me "welp I'm not coming to school for four weeks so I'm doing online school!" I say as I head back to my dorm with kirishima bouncing in my arms I grab some toys and some blankets I set them down and get him settled on them before I

Sit down beside him and play with him "okay baby I'm gonna play with you okay?" I say kiri just keeps making noises and drooling at me so I pick up some toys which are chewables since babies like to put this stuff in their mouths I don't trust other toys

30 minutes later I put the toys down and look at the time so I picked up kiri and took him to my kitchen and started making him a bottle seeing as he didn't have any breakfast I finished making his bottle and than I went to my bed and started feeding him the bottle as he was drinking the milk I grabbed my laptop and opened it to the class work after I'm done with all the work had to do I put kiri down on the play mat before I can continue minutes later I change him than put him in the crib by my bed
Than I fall asleep after making sure kiri was asleep first

Time skip to four weeks later brought to you by me trying to update all my books!

The next first weeks went by with me doing online school the class - me simping over baby kiri and me and baby kiri getting closer to each other

"Come on baby kiri mama's gonna put you to sleep now okay? Go to sleep in mama's arms" I said ah! Did I mention I'm starting to like the idea of these babies calling me mama/mommy now

I don't know why but I just feel a warmth feeling every time I hear them call me that a-am I really becoming motherly?

I put baby kiri to sleep before I go do my night routine after I'm done I take a bath,change my clothes, and head to bed

Five Hours later

I wake up to a bright light in my room then I turn to see it coming from baby kiri so I quickly take him out seeing as he would be very uncomfortable so I set him in my bed before he turned back after he turned back after he turned he passed out before

Waking up he looks around then noticed he's in my room "wha? Why am I in your room?" Kirishima asked than I started explaining "Okay" he says i than snuggle in to his chest

Okay guys sorry for not updating but I've been busy with my other books! I should be updating all my other books

His blanket

His blanket

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His onesie

His pacifier

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His pacifier

His pacifier

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His bottle

His bottle

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