babyshin and mamabaku

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Okay so here is baby shinsou and mama bakugou

Things in the story:clingyness,mamabaku,babyshin

Story description: shinsou gets caught in a quirk accident that leaves him as a baby and someone who's walking by finds him but who is it will he be happy or not too see this person find out now!

No one's pov

Shinsou was walking to school when he saw there had been a accident up ahead he got close enough to see what happened it seemed some people had got into a car crash before he could see he was bumped into from the back "I'm so sorry" he said but before he could turn around he started feeling weird the last thing he felt before he fainted was the sound of someone yelling his name "shinsou!" Than he fainted but fell into soft hands

Bakugou's pov

I had just woken up so I decided to get ready for school minutes later I was ready I went downstairs to see my mom and my dad talking and cooking breakfast as soon as they heard foot steps they greeted me "good morning son" my dad said "morning...."
I said "good morning did you have as nice sleep?" My mom asked I nodded and they sighed "why can't you say much at home like you do school?" My mom asked me i just struggled me shoulders
At her "idk" I said she just sighed and went back to making breakfast minutes later my dad set a plate full of food down in front of me and gave me a small smile I smiled back a little

And started eating after I finished eating I set the not even half eaten plate in the frige and I started putting on my shoes I grabbed my bad and left "bye mom and dad! I'm leaving!" I yelled
As I was walking to school I saw deku but passed him I was walking when I suddenly saw shinsou get hit with a quirk "shinsou!" I yelled as i caught him before he fell I looked down to see him shirking I started to

Panic before he stopped it seemed he was a baby? Babyshin opens his eyes and look at me I'm suddenly reminded of babyzawa when he was a baby months ago and I had to take care of him ugh I wrap him in my school jacket and start running to school I feel him holding on to me a lot tigher than before so I held him Tighter and start rubbing his back in comfort a few minutes

Later I saw the school so I ran up in there and started going straight to the teachers lounge when I made it there I slammed the door making all the teachers in the room jump and look at me which was only aizawa, present mic,midnight, all might,snipe,cementoss, and ectoplasm he looked at them "he..*pants*..shinsou..*pants*..he aizawa sensei" I say trying to catch my breath aizawa and mic run to me and pull me on the sofa and they wait until I catch my breath before allowing me to

Talk. "So what was you saying about shinsou?" Aizawa asked now looking more awake "shinsou he- look!" I yell pulling the baby from my chest they all look when they see him their eyes widen
In shock "h-he's a baby!?" Midnight yells in shook "he got hit by a quirk but I caught him before he could fall" I say they all nod suddenly we hear a small yawn we look down to see baby shinsou
Waking up he opens his eyes and looks at everyone before looking at me "what?" I easy confused he makes grabby hands at me

I shake my head and back away with my hands in the air "yeah no I'm not doing this again I already took care of aizawa I'm not taking care of shinsou" I say I make it to the door but I suddenly turn around and put down his bag "oh and here's his bag" I yell out before I shut the door and start heading to class I lay my head sdown and start to fall asleep dawn it I should have went to sleep on time

Minutes later

I get woken up to deku shaking me "kacchan wake up aizawa sensei is here!" He wrisper yells at me I push his hand away from me "okay" I say back so he nods and looks at the smart board so I look at the smart board to while aizawa keeps teaching I see him glace at me from time to time the whole class period goes by as

MAMA MODEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora