babyzawa and mamabaku

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Okay so things in the one shot mamabaku,babyzawa,clingyness.

One shot description: aizawa got hit with a baby changing quirk now someone from his class has to watch him and suddenly he takes a liking to a certain someone who will it be? do you guys know? than do you wanna find out? okay than let's go!

No one's pov

Aizawa was teaching class1a when suddenly a alarm went off aizawa immediately recognized which alarm it was so he he turned back to the class and got his capture weapon and looked back at them

Aizawa's pov

I was in the middle of teaching my class when a alarm went off I immediately recognized which alarm it was so I grabbed my capture weapon and looked back at my class "okay that was the villain alarm don't panic go to the gym there you will see mic and midnight stay with them until I say other wise you got me?" I say they all nod "okay than go" I say after I'm done making sure everyone in my class is gone I start heading out once I reach

No One's pov

The front of the school aizawa see the league dabi is the first to notice aizawa "well if it isn't Eraserhead ready to finally get beaten? And your powers token away?" Dabi says grabbing the other villains Attention aizawa smirk at them "oh ready to get your ass handed to you guys again?" Aizawa says the smirks from their face vanish

"How dare you! You'll pay for that! Eraserhead!" Shigaraki said
As he looked at aizawa with the coldest glare he could do than all of a sudden he turned around and called for somebody "wei come here now" shigaraki said it was a few minutes until a boy with black hair an blue eyes came from behind him "yes?" The boy asked shigaraki. Shigaraki looked at the boy before he looked at aizawa "get Eraserhead head now". Shigaraki says to him the boy
Nods at him and stands in front of aizawa

Aizawa's pov

"How dare you! You'll pay for that! Eraserhead!" Shigaraki said
As he looked at me with the coldest glare he could do than all of a sudden he turned around and called for somebody "wei come here now" shigaraki said it was a few minutes until a boy with black hair an blue eyes came from behind him "yes?" The boy asked shigaraki. Shigaraki looked at the boy before he looked at aizawa "get Eraserhead head now". Shigaraki says to him the boy
Nods at him and stands in front of me I get into fighting position

And wait for him to throw the first hit but after some minutes I still hear nothing so I look at the boy to see his hands up I look at him confused for a couple seconds 'is he gonna do some thing? Orrr?' After a few more minutes suddenly I feel like I'm burning up is that his quirk intense pain?!? But than all of a sudden I start to feel sleepy before I can try to fight it my eyes close and I lose to sleep damn I still don't get paid enough for this oh well

No one's pov

After the villains turn aizawa into a baby they leave him there " let's go were getting out of here" shigaraki said "are we not taking him?" Wei asked they all turned to them "no we're leaving him there his little hero friends can help him" dabi said wei nodded and the villains went into the patrol and disappeared

Present mic saw something and he decided to check it out as soon as he got there he saw him a baby mini aizawa laid sleeping on the floor and he was really small mic acted fast and picked him up he rushed to recovery girl's office once he made it he just barged right in not caring if she was with another patient

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