"You get out here," Kenny yelled suddenly, holding Arvo with a gun to his head. "Or I blow this kids brains out!"

Arvo yelled in another language.

"I said shut up!"

"Leave him alone, Kenny!" Bonnie yelled. "He's just a kid!"

"No! I'm ending this right fucking now!"

Arvo's sister, who had been shot, suddenly sat up, groaning, and crawled straight for Luna.


Clem shot her, straight in the forehead, before she got close.

"No!" Arvo yelled, throwing himself out of Kenny's grip, who had to duck to escape the shower of bullets shot his way. "Natasha!" He crouched by her body. "Natasha! No! Please!"

He glared at Clementine.

A second later, they heard a gunshot.

"It's safe to come out," Kenny said.

Bonnie appeared beside Luna. "Here. I'll take him."

"Thanks," Luna muttered, looking over at Kenny to see him with Jane.

"Shit, that was, eh . . . that was intense," Luke said.

Mike nodded. "I thought . . . man, I thought that was it."

Luna and Clem walked over to Jane, who was searching the last man, who she just killed.

"So, you're back," Luna said.

Jane nodded.

"You okay?" Clem asked.

"I think so. I didn't know this man. I've never killed someone who didn't wrong me in some way. That didn't deserve it. Tried to pretend he was a walker. But it isn't the same."

"You saved us," Clem said.

"Yeah. That's why I did it. But . . . feels wrong."

"It should," Luna said. "That's your last bit of humanity. Gotta . . . keep it, I guess. Only thing that separates people like us, and people like Carver."

"Yeah . . . " Jane looked at the group, gathered around Rebecca's body.

"Come on," Clem said softly. 

They made their way over, and Luna fought back tears. She liked Rebecca. A lot. And now she was gone. 

Blood dripped from the hole in her forehead, her eyes open but unseeing.

"How did this happen?" Mike said.

"She . . . turned," Luke sighed. "Just like that."

"The girls spotted it first," Bonnie said. "Did what needed to be done to protect the child."

"This isn't either of your faults, okay?" Luke said. "It's just . . . she lost too much blood. Ain't nobody's fault."

"You saved the boy's life," Mike said.

"You know, we could've done better by her."

"She was just . . . too far gone."

"She's with Alvin now," Clem said.

Bonnie nodded. "Yeah . . . yeah, she is. Don't worry, Becca. We'll take care of your boy. You rest easy."

Luna looked at the baby. "Can I . . ."

Bonnie handed the baby to her, smiling lightly. (au, i'm fucking crying)

Luna looked down at him as more tears formed in her eyes, but she held them back. "She was . .. she was really excited to be a mom."

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