W-Why Him???

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You made a call to Mommy Mearest telling her why you couldn't come and that GF was at your place, and now it was late. Very late... So late in fact that no one should be awake, but you couldn't sleep. The talks, the encounters, but something was bothering you. You can't seem to put your finger on it. Gra... Grace something. You're usually not this bad at remembering people's names. Just then the door starts creaking.

(Y/N): GF, you need somethin'?

Girlfriend: So you noticed the door, huh?

She said coming inside.

(Y/N): That door is way too creaky.

Girlfriend: What, how? Anyway, look, I'm sorry this is gonna sound weird, but can I, like, sleep with you?

(Y/N): I guess? BF is okay with that, right?

Girlfriend: He'll... understand...

She laid on one side of the bed, and you on the other. After getting comfortable...

Girlfriend: I think I developed a new fear.

(Y/N): That is?

Girlfriend: *Sigh* It's the fear of not being in control of my body, wanna remind me of what yours was?

(Y/N): *Sigh* It's seeing one of our friends hurt. I'd go through hell and back for our friends to be safe. Hell, if it takes everyone to forget me to be safe, then so be it.

Girlfriend: (Y/N), No one will forget you, and you'll protect us with your heart, I just know it.

(Y/N): Yeah... thanks... It's getting late. Let's go to bed.


*Five hours ago*

Boyfriend: Where am I? And what in the name of Earth is that?

The thing appears to be a mostly blue, scrambled block-like chunk of "fuzz" that can be described as a "backward L-shape". 

I seem to be in my pixelated form

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I seem to be in my pixelated form...

I seem to be in my pixelated form

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The End of an Era (Ultimatrix Wielding Reader X Female FNF Harem)Where stories live. Discover now