Chapter 3

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Lexa was definitely right about Polis. The capital was huge and glorious. If the grounder villages weren't already nice enough, the Capitol city put them all to shame.

"Beautiful is it not?" Lexa asked as they hopped off their horses.

"Incredible. This place would change everyone's views about the Grounders."

"But everyone cannot come here. Only those like you are welcome." Clarke blushed a bit after she heard this.

"Thank you. It is a pleasure to be welcomed here." Clarke smiled at Lexa and the commander smiled back.

"Before I give you a tour you must eat. Come." Lexa said as she started to Lea the way, but stopped.

Lexa reached her hand out to Clarke to hold. Clarke hesitated but accepted her offer. The two girls walked hand in hand towards the center of the Capitol.

The room they had entered was full of long tables full of a variety of foods. Lexa led Clarke to two seats in the center of the room.

"Let us eat," Lexa smiled as she passed Clarke a plate.

Clarke repeated the saying, then began to fill her plate of foods she's never seen before. She doubted they'd be poisoned or tainted, and little did she care. Going almost a day and a half without eating was starting to show it's effects.

"What's this?" Clake asked after she took a bite out of a pinkish and green curved food. It was sweet and very juicy.

"Water melons. They have been around since the past Earth. Only a few original foods had survived." Lexa answered as she ate what looked like an apple.

"I think we had those on the Arc. Because they were rare they were very expensive, but that wasn't a problem for my family."

"The flavor is probably much different. Would you like a taste?" Lexa held her half-eaten apple out to Clarke. Just as she was about to bite into it, Indra approached angrily.

"Heda! Why must you share our findings with some body below you?"

Lexa answered calmly, but Clarke could see anger behind her eyes. "Clarke is not below me. We are in fact equals. If anyone is to be below me, it is you Indra." Lexa turned away from the warrior who looked furious.

"Clarke it is completely understandable if you would like to leave. We my bring the food to my room and eat there."

Is this really the same girl that betrayed her no less than four days ago?

"Uhm- sure. Offer accepted." Clarke smiled and stood up, grabbing her plate. She followed Lexa passed the fuming Indra and back outside.

Hours had passed since the two girls had gotten to Lexa's room. Once they first got there Lexa poured them each a glass of alcohol, which turned out to be a great idea.

Stories from the Arc and stories from the ground were told while they laughed off the memories.

"Clarke, may I say how glad I am that you decided to come to Polis with me. Let alone coming to find me at TonDC." Lexa said as she took a sip of alcohol from her glass.

"Well firstly, I'm honored. Secondly, I wasn't there just for you." Clarke laughed but Lexa kept a straight face. Did she really look hurt?

"Oh. Repairs in TonDC are going as planned. Very fast." Lexa switched modes completely, going from her sweet, young self to a focused commander.

"Wait. Don't change the subject. Are you okay? You seemed different after I said you weren't my main reason to go to TonDC."

"Well you wouldn't come here for Indra."

"I was trying to leave my people. They were the reason I came to your people. But I did want to talk to you, which I'm glad went well."

"So I am a priority of yours?" Lexa said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Of course you are."

That's when it happened. Clarke was unsure whether it was the alcohol's doing, or her own heart speaking for itself, but it happened either way.

She leaned toward her while they sat on Lexa's bed. Clarke cupped Lexa's face and planted her lips on the commander's. Lexa responded to the kiss fast, moving her lips in a similar motion. While Clarke's hands were on her face, Lexa's were traveling Clarke's sides and hips.

Lexa playfully pushed Clarke so she was laying underneath Lexa. Their kiss got faster and more messy as hands traced each other's bodies. Clarke knew the drunken girls were in for a night of fun.

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