love me, hold me tighter

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"What is going on with you?"

Sunoo is standing in front of him, blocking his path out of the bedroom. His arms are tightly crossed against his chest, an accusatory glare adorning his features. Jungwon's eyes search frantically for a path around him, but to no avail. The bunk beds only have enough space between them for a single person at most, and with Heeseung's legs and half of his bedding spilling into the passageway there's no hope for escape. Sunoo widens his stance, like he can hear Jungwon's internal panic.

"Don't even fucking think about it. We need to talk––don't give me that look, you're not in trouble, relax."

"I'm not giving you a look." Jungwon says.

"Bullshit. You look like I just told you your puppy had cancer."

"What––no, I don't."

"You sure? Only one of us is actually looking at your face right now, babe, and unless you have some magic power you haven't told me about, I'm pretty sure it's not you."

Jungwon tongues the inside of his cheek. "Okay, fine. You need to talk, we can talk."

Sunoo clicks his tongue and yanks Jungwon's arm, dragging him out of the room. "Not here. We're gonna go and get some snacks from the convenience store, sit on one of those uncomfortable benches, and you're going to tell me what's up."

There's no room for argument, so Jungwon lets himself be dragged out of the dorms and down the street to the convenience store. Despite it being Sunoo's idea, Jungwon pays for their snacks, and Sunoo plants a fat, wet kiss on his cheek in thanks. He makes a noise of disgust and pushes a cackling Sunoo off of him. He basks in the normalcy of it all, lets himself forget for a while. He follows Sunoo absentmindedly to a nearby park, and sits down on one of the benches concealed by a massive willow tree. The bench is the hard, plastic kind of wood made to protect against weather damage, and the material digs into his tailbone. He shifts, unable to get comfortable.

"Stop fidgeting. You're making me nervous."

Jungwon's voice goes hollow. "Sorry."

"You really need to relax, babe. I'm not going to yell at you––though, I am kind of offended that you think I would do anything like that." Sunoo takes a massive bite of his ice cream cone.

"It's not––I don't think you're going to yell at me, I'm just," he clears his throat, "nervous, I guess."

"Since when do you get nervous around me ? I'm not someone to be nervous about, you've literally seen me use an air freshener as perfume. I even knew it was air freshener. Please, I'm like, the one person in this industry that you don't need to be nervous around."

Jungwon is taken by surprise when he feels a laugh bubble up in his throat; a real, genuine laugh. He's so surprised that he nearly chokes on it.

"There he is." Sunoo smiles, resting his head against Jungwon's shoulder. "Now, talk to me. I know that there's something you're not telling me."

i'm so sick of seventeen (those golden years)Where stories live. Discover now