2. The Silver Platter

Start from the beginning

"Understood. I'm glad your father remembered to reach out to me in these hard times. I'll try to give you some options and get the money you need."

His conviction lifted a weight from her heart. She allowed a single petal of hope to wiggle its way out of the relentless darkness that had continued to consume her. "Thank you, Mr. Pagano."

He offered her a warm smile before turning back to his screen. "It's showing here that you have already borrowed $109,945 from various banks, private loans, and credit card agencies."

Robin gritted her teeth. "Unfortunately that total is correct. Dove needed four emergency surgeries on the day of the accident. The cost of transporting her alone was over $15,000 due to the airlift and hospital transfers. As you can see my credit's still in the mid-700s. I always make my payments on time and I have a full-time job. I don't take funds I can't repay, it'll just take me a while to give it all back."

"I'm impressed. Many individuals with a tenth of your debt struggle to make their payments. You're doing well Robin. Regardless, I do need some background information to verify your employment. Who is your current employer?"

"I work at altLab as a phlebotomist fifty hours a week and I work 5-hour shifts Wednesday through Sunday Rendez-Vous. My letters of recommendation, phlebotomy and dance licenses are included in that form."

His brow arched. He glanced at her over his glasses. "So, you dance at Rendez-Vous?"

Robin gritted her teeth. This was always a point of contention. Employers and loaners always zeroed in on Robin the stripper not Robin the driven woman with an impressive work ethic trying to support her fucking, dying sister. "Yes, I'm a dancer...but again that's only part-time."

"Do you have any specialties?" He didn't hesitate with the question.

Brows knit as Robin's head tilt. "I specialize in stripteases and lapdances, but I fail to see how this is relevant."

"Patience, Robin. Is there a video of you on their website?"

Robin reeled slightly, pursing her lips. "Yeah, my stage name was Cherry Top. I'm a bit lost, Mr. Pagano. What relevance does this have with the loan? It's against the law to turn me down because of my job."

Pagano was silent as he averted his attention. After a few clicks, loud music and the chattering of a crowd began playing over unseen speakers. 

Robin watched Pagano watch her. Her stomach twisted, ears warming with embarrassment. She knew Pagano and her dad weren't close anymore, but it still made her feel uncomfortable. Well, that and the fact that he was watching her strip in the middle of a business meeting that would determine whether her big sister would be alive in 24 hours.

Pagano released a low hum, paused the video, folded his hands, and looked her dead in the eye.

"Robin, I'm going to be honest with you. With the current loans and interest rates you have, your grandchildren will be paying off your debt. I would offer you the money as a friendly gesture but unfortunately, that's not how you run a business. If I start handing out funds to every friend, regardless of how much I love your father, I would be broke within the hour." 

Although his words were sour on an open wound she knew he was only being honest. It just hurt to know her tiny sliver of wishful thinking was truly out of reach, and even worse when he cemented her fear of generational poverty. She didn't want anyone else to be trapped in the hole she had dug for herself.

Robin nodded softly. "Of course, I completely understand. I would never ask that from you. Please believe me when I say this is my last option. I know I will never be able to claw my way out of this but I can't just," she swallowed the lump in her throat. Her gaze fell to the glossy etchings on his desk. "I can't just watch Dove die. Pop's already working himself to the bone. I'm working all the hours that I can. I-" She quickly regained her composure before the tears broke free. "I have nothing else," she whispered.

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