Doctor's Appointment - Chapter 2

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Eddie's PoV -

The nausea did not get better overnight nor did it get better over a month. After a month of throwing up, stomach cramps, starvation, and dizziness I decided it was past time to go to the doctors.

We do not need the doctors. We will take care of us.

I was happy to hear my lover's voice. Venom has been uncharacteristically quiet this past month. Whenever I ask him if he's mad at me he assures me that he is not before going back to silence.

We are not mad at, Eddie. We love, Eddie.

"I'm sorry, Vee, but we are going to see Doctor Dan. At least he knows about us. We will be safe," I try to reassure Venom.

     An emotion similar to guilt and fear bubbles up inside my mind. I know this feeling belongs to Venom. What could he possibly feel guilty about? Is he just scared of going to the doctors?

     Surely Venom hears my thoughts but choses not to reply. I grab our helmet and descend the stairs to our motorcycle. I make my way to the hospital. The drive takes longer than I hoped thanks to heavy traffic so I'm a few minutes late when I check into the hospital. Luckily Doctor Dan must be running a bit behind schedule so I find a place in the waiting room.

     We can still leave. We do not need a doctor.

     "No, we need to see the doctor to find out what is wrong with us," I reply sternly but quiet enough that the others in the waiting room can't hear me.

     I can feel Venom curl around my spine and growl. He's not mad just frustrated. Another wave a guilt and fear emits from our bond. "We will be safe, no one will hurt us," I try to calm Venom's fear and guilt.

     My heart warms and flutters a little letting me know that Venom got the message.

     "Eddie Brock, the doctor will see you now," a nurse states as she opens the door and leads me to Dan's office. She takes my vitals and leaves.

     A few minutes pass and Dan walks in. "Eddie, it is good to see you, how are you feeling?"

     "It's good to see you too but I haven't been feeling the best in the world. That's actually why I'm here. I've had daily episodes of nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. No matter what Venom or I do we can't make it go away," I explain.

      Dan listens and explained the tests that he will be doing. I double-check to make sure that the tests will not harm Venom and Dan assures me that they are safe.

We go through test after test. True to his word the tests don't seem to harm my symbiot. Finally, the tests are finished and we are allowed to go home. Dan tells us that he will call us once the results are in.

Once we're back in our apartment another wave a nausea hits me. I dry heave into the toilet. Feeling weak I slowly make my way back to the couch. "I hope Dan can figure this out quick."

You have not been eating enough, Eddie.

"I think you eat enough for the both of us," I joke. It's true though. Recently, Venom has been eating more than his usual which is really something. I go through 2 boxes of cereal, 3 bags of tater tots, 5 king size bars of chocolate, 1 bag of kettle corn, and 1 gallon of chocolate milk a day. I'm lucky if I can choke down a piece of toast without regurgitating it.

We need nutrition. We need to eat more.

"We share a stomach, just eat something for me, bud," I reply as I cuddle into my blanket preparing to take a nap.

No, not the same... Eat now.

A bar of chocolate is thrust in front of my face. I hesitantly take a small bite hoping to satisfy Venom. The taste hits my mouth and I feel instant nausea. I stumble to the bathroom and regurgitate the majority of the food Venom ate that day.

Why won't food stay in us? Our body is sabotaging us.

I don't have the energy to reply. Instead I use the sink to pull myself off the tile floor. I quickly rinse off and stumble back to the couch. I feel so weak. So terrible. Sleep consumes me and I am able to take the nap I wanted.

Venom's PoV -

My mate falls asleep and we cuddle into him. Eddie is the father of our children. Inside him grows two life forms. We have not told him and we feel guilty about that. We worry that Eddie will freak out. He might get rid of our spawns. We must keep it a secret for as long as possible. Hopefully, Dan will not find our children. We will keep Eddie and our spawns safe.

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