Kyo opens the door quietly with a box of popcorn

Rias - riser for the last time I refuse to marry you

Kyo pulls out a camera

Riser - and as riser will remind you, after your stunt as stripper for these humans your father and risers have decided to move the wedding up for the good of your reputation and devil kind

Kyo - *snickers* oh lord this is priceless

Koneko - when did you get in here

Kyo - oh you know kings reason and all that jazz but speaking of this wedding

Rias - shut your God*ow* damn mouth kyo

Kyo - I was wondering have y'all picked out the rings yet

Riser - no, however riser has one in mind

Kyo - before you make a hasty decision let me show you a ring I think you'll love

Riser - very well show riser this ring

Kyo then opens the gate of babylon and yuuma pops her head out

Yuuma - you called Master

Kyo - yes yuuma dear could you get the rings I showed you

Yuuma - of course sir

Yuuma then goes back into the gate leaving a babbled riser

Riser - excuse riser, but what is this ability

Kyo - where are my manners, my name is kyo gilgamesh descendant of the great king gilgamesh and weilder of the gates of babylon

Riser - you mean the gates that all the worlds treasure past, present and future reside

Kyo - the very same

Riser - amazing to think risers bride has such power in her peerage

Kyo then proceeds to laugh hysterically

Kyo - by my grandfather no, I would never follow a stripper into battle plus wouldn't look good for the sitri house if I did

Riser - why would the sitris be upset

Kyo - I'm engaged to their daughter

Riser - oh so you are the one who beat the great sona sitri at chess

Kyo - indeed I am

Yuuma then pops back out of the gates

Yuuma - sorry master that took longer than expected to find

Kyo - no problem, but where is your uniform

Yuuma - oh sorry master

Yuuma then goes back into the portal to change into her uniform and comes out in a maid outfit

Yuuma then goes back into the portal to change into her uniform and comes out in a maid outfit

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