Part 3 (last part)

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This part is quite a bit longer than the rest, so hang tight! It's also the last part, but I'm working on a lil side thingy for Christmas (no promises it'll be out in time tho>.>)

Thank you for reading this far, kind reader!♡☆

Edit: my forgetful self forgot to add that this is the part with the panic attack... so here's the additional warning. Also, I apologize if it's written with terrible accuracy or just badly written in general, it was difficult to figure out to begin with. I don't mean to offend anyone, but tips on how to do it better would be appreciated!;D

"We're here," Drew said suddenly. Xander expected to see the building to the apartment complexes, but they were already standing in the apartment. Had he zoned out for that long? "You can leave your wet shoes at the door."

The shoes themselves were fairly wet, but his feet and socks weren't. He bought himself a pair of water-resistant steel toe boots from a department store a few years back and made sure they were a few sizes too big for years of growth to come. They were probably his best $30 investment yet.

"I'll get you a towel, I'll be back in a second. You can put your stuff down by the table."

It seemed that right after Xander put his bag down and took his olive hoodie off, Drew was already back. He felt grateful that his t-shirt didn't get too wet, and that, more importantly, he wasn't left alone for too long.

"Is it okay if I put your hoodie and jacket in the dryer? It should take about an hour." Xander shook his head as he traded his wet clothing for a fluffy towel.

He towel-dried his dark, almost curly hair as much as possible before tying it up. When it was wet, it would get dry, frizzy, and stuck to his face, jaw, and neck. This way, it was out of his face, aside from a few flyaways.

"I made you hot cocoa because I know it's cold in here," Drew handed him a warm mug. "Is your shirt too wet? I can..."

Xander gazed down at the mug as he listened to Drew's question. But he looked back up when he heard that his crush had stopped talking. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Um... you... you never wear your hair up," Drew said, seemingly a little dazed.

He thought he looked fine with a bun. Hopefully, it wasn't lop-sided like last time. Xander looked like a fool for half a day before he saw himself. "I... I guess not?" He bit his lip, consciously this time. "Do I look stupid?"

Drew shook his head and set his mug down on the dining room table. "You look handsome, this suits you. Now I can see your face better."

Xander suddenly found himself more keen on how he looked at that moment.

"I can see the green in your eyes, now," Drew smiled softly at his newfound discovery as he took a step closer to him. Carefully, he raised a hand to Xander's face. His thumb ran over his lower lip, barely ghosting a touch, but doing more than enough to Xander's heart. It fluttered at the sensation. The tip of his thumb stopped as it reached the piercing. "When'd you get this?" He asked.

"Um," it was getting hard to focus on anything but Drew. He smelled like sugary-sweet chocolate. He looked so beautiful with his damp hair that still managed to curl around his ear. He felt warm, like the summer's mid-day sunshine. Without realizing it, Xander found himself resting his head in his hand, but only a little. "Late June."

"Late June?" He could only nod in response. "That's why I didn't notice it until a few days ago," after a few more seconds, Drew pulled away, seemingly startled. "Oh, u-um sorry about that, I d-didn't mean to be too evasive-"

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