Start from the beginning

Judging from the loud crash that sounded from outside, the wooden door between the first two floors finally collapsed, unable to withstand the intensity of the constant barrage of attacks. Heavy, urgent footsteps echoed down the corridor outside their room. This man, who was called Cheng Wen according to the young woman, was evidently searching for her. Cheng Wen shouted, "Where'd you run off to—hurry up and hand Wang Xiaoyi over, right now! Don't let her enter your rooms!"

Fear-stricken, Wang Xiaoyi whimpered as quietly as possible.

Ruan Baijie also got out of bed. In the face of such a disturbance, she actually took all the time in the world. She wasn't in the least anxious or pressed, and she slowly, exasperatingly slowly, tidied her hair.

Cheng Wen's footsteps stopped right outside of Lin Qiushi's room. The bloodstains on the corridor abruptly ended where Lin Qiushi's doorway began; this trace couldn't be any more obvious. He immediately found Wang Xiaoyi's location.

"Open the door!!! Lin Qiushi!!!" Cheng Wen thundered. "Wang Xiaoyi's in your room, isn't she!!"

Lin Qiushi didn't say a word.

Affectedly sweet, Ruan Baijie opened her mouth and said, "It's so late. What are you causing such a commotion for?"

Cheng Wen urged, "Hurry up and hand her over to me—she isn't human!! Don't be fooled by her!!!"

Lin Qiushi: "Whatever do you mean?"

Cheng Wen seemed very jittery. Filled with impatience and agitation, he stressed, "She seriously isn't human! You have to believe me—"

Having heard what was said, Wang Xiaoyi cried back, "You're the one that's not human! Cheng Wen, I can't believe you want to use this excuse to kill me! You think that if you kill me, you can still go on living, huh?!"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Wen's tone suddenly grew vicious and dark. He snarled, "Wang Xiaoyi, stop fucking around. You're that monster hidden amongst us, I've already discovered your secret!!! Get out of there!" After saying this, he began pounding the door ferociously and cursing relentlessly; he didn't look as if he would stop.

The door was rather worn out, and the strength of an adult male wasn't something to joke about. If he truly insisted on knocking this door down, this door probably wouldn't be able to hold out for long. Standing near the doorway, Lin Qiushi reproached him. "Let's say you do kill Wang Xiaoyi and end up getting out of here alive, but you'll also be a murderer!"

Cheng Wen spat, "Lin Qiushi, just mind your own goddamn business!"

Lividly gnashing his teeth, Lin Qiushi roared, "I'm the one in fucking charge today! Come in if you dare! Don't worry, I, your father, won't kill you!" Immediately after directing his wrath towards person outside, Lin Qiushi rolled up his sleeves. Huffing angrily, he began searching the room for any tool he could use as a weapon.

Cheng Wen also sensed Lin Qiushi's rage; he gradually stopped banging on the door. At last, he gruffly said, "Lin Qiushi. I'll be the one to play the role of the villain today. Get her out, this instant. As long as that person dies, we can all return home."

Lin Qiushi: "Keep dreaming."

Cheng Wen: "You—"

Lin Qiushi cut him off, "Leave. I won't let you kill her."

A deathly stillness hung in the air for a moment, but, no sooner, the sound of retreating footsteps was heard. Lin Qiushi honestly didn't expect Cheng Wen to give up so easily. He was stunned in place for a while, then he turned to Wang Xiaoyi and announced, "He's gone."

Once again, Wang Xiaoyi burst into tears.

It was the middle of the night, yet the three people within this room didn't get much sleep. While Lin Qiushi treated Wang Xiaoyi's wound, Ruan Baijie sat near the windowsill, silently gazing outside.

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