A Bargain

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(Lyra P.O.V)

I panted as I lay on the sand with Pan and Viktor. We were both wet and soaking. Thank goodness we had Pan to thank for taking us to shore. I sat up, staring around at the great blue ocean. "I don't know where we are guys. But we sure aren't in Cittagatze," 

"That window must have taken us to another world or another part of my world," (M/C) said. He sat up and I watched him look along the shoreline. It seemed to curve left into the distance. 

"Our best chance is to walk along this beach and hope we can find Cittagatze," I spoke up. 

"How do you know this is my world?"

"I don't," I admit. "But I have hope,"  

"We need to think this through,"

"Think what through?" I questioned bluntly. 

"We don't know where we are,"

"You got a better idea?" I challenged.

"No," He said back. 

"You know. None of this would have happened if you hadn't left me in the first place,"

"I had to get him Lyra. He took away the only friend I ever had. How would you like it if someone killed someone you cared about?"

"Doesn't mean you just abandon someone who's just trying to help you," I was getting angry. 

"I came back. Didn't I?"

"Yeah. But Boreal has my Alethiometer. Thanks to you we'll never be able to help Will find his father and I'm never going to be able to get (Y/N) back home," 

"You think I intended for this to happen?!" he snapped back.

"Ever since I met you, you've been nothing but selfish and impulsive!" 

"What?" (M/C) roared. "Did you just say that?!"

"Yes, I did!" I mocked. Before I could shout more at him, Pan turned into a wolverine and snared.

"Enough!" he growled. "Do you two even hear yourselves right now? You both have been doing nothing today but ignoring each other. And look where's it got us. If we're going to get back to Will and (Y/N) we have to stick together,"

I looked at (M/C). I saw that Pan was right. In our argument, I had forgotten how I had realised back at Boreal's house that (M/C) had changed when he came to see him. I sighed. I stood up on the sand and held out my hand. "Are you coming?"

(M/C) glanced his dark eyes up at me. I kept my hand open. He clasped it and I pulled it up. "Let's go," 

We turned and we began to walk along the shoreline. 

"Thank you," I said. 


(Y/N P.O.V) 

Will and I sat silently in the back of the murderer's car. I prayed that this wasn't a big mistake. I shared a nervous glance with Will next to him. I didn't want to feel. Sorry? Angry? I hadn't been the most polite person today yet he had entered his world to save me. 

I wanted to speak but he turned his head away. I closed my eyes in guilt. The car pulled into the driveway of a large house. Must be that man's house. He exited the car and opened the car on my side. "Here we are," he said. 

I was nervous to get out. 

"You want to see Lizzie don't you?"

Ignoring the pounding of my anxiety under my skin, I came out. Will came out too. The man led us to his door. "They should be waiting inside. After you,"

The Aeronaut's Daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें