To Asriel's laboratory

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(Y/N's Point of View) 

Roger and I still waited patiently inside the cave. We were becoming more worried by the minute both Lyra and Iorek. I was more frightened as well for my father and Iera. I feared that everyone would be troubled. 

I was about to fall asleep when there was the calling of "Roger! (Y/N)!"

My heart lit up. I twisted my head and saw Lyra waving to us outside the cave. Roger saw her too. We staggered out, elated to see that she and Pan were save. And Iorek too. He was standing nearby, unharmed. 

"Iorek left us here while he came to save you!" Roger expressed. "We don't know what happened to Lee and Iera but they were airborne when Iorek last saw them!"

Lyra laughed as she pulled Roger into her arms. Then she pulled me into her arms and I hugged her tight back. 

"Thank goodness you're safe," I breathed. 

Lyra gave me a gaped cheesy smile but when she cast her smile down, it faltered. "Your leg," she felt sick seeing all the red blood stains. 

"I scrapped my leg during the fall. But I'm alright. Lyra...can you check your alethiometer about my father please?"

"Of course," Lyra sat down, fishing out her symbol-reader. She set out the question and the needle began to turn. I sat next to her. Roger was on her other side. 

"Please tell me my father is safe," I begged. 

"And my Iera too," Iorek implored. He sounded broken. 

"They crashed with Lee's balloon but they're safe. I'm afraid they're too far away for us to reach though,"

I held a sad look. They were alive, but they will still so far away. I was so desperate to be in my father's arms again. 

"And the Magisterium. Iofur was their puppet," Iorek said. I looked up at him, befuddled. 

Lyra activated another question. "They're trying to come here. My mother's with them," she stood up and began walking about in circles figuring out what to do. "Once she finds out Iofur's dead, who knows what she might do," 

"What do we do then?" I asked.

"We have to take the Alethiometer to my father. He will need it. We'll need the truth to defeat her," 

"Then after that we can go and find my dad right? And Iera?" 

Lyra turned back and clasped my shoulders with her hands. "I promise you (Y/N) we will get you back to your father once this is done. We won't stop until you two are back together again," 

"Thank you," 

Lyra gave me another hug to consul my nerves. Roger joined in too. Somehow their hugs made feel more braver, they made me feel braver. Between their heads I saw Aster receiving nuzzles from Pan and Sacillia as they comforted him. 

Lyra let me go and turned to our bear friend. "Iorek, can you help me get to Asriel?" she asked. 

"Yes. Climb on my back children,"

"You sure you can carry all three of us?" Roger asked. 

"Never underestimate a bear's strength," was his answer. We all mounted the great bear and we started charging towards the mountains to find Lord Asriel's laboratory where he still remained under house arrest. As we rode on our mighty steed with Lyra in front, she told us the story of how Iorek had managed to defeat Iofur Raknison thanks to her clever deception. Now Iorek was the new king of the bears, the true king. 

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