"I came here to save you,"

"How did you find me?"

"I recognised the man's car,"

"How could you leave us like that?"

"Look I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I just..."

"Allowed revenge to cloud your judgement? What were you thinking?"

He was at a loss for words. "Lyra...I am so, so sorry. That man killed the only friend I ever had. All I've been feeling is pain and rage. But I allowed it to consume me. But now I'm here to get you back to Citagatttze," 

"How did you sneak in?"

"I climb roofs remember. Now come on," 

"No! We have to find my Alethiometer. Boreal took it," 

"Who's Boreal?" He asked. "We don't have time to search. He'll back any minute now," 

"But without it, we'll never find Will's father or where you belong,"

"Lyra...he might have taken it with him,"

Suddenly we heard the roaring of a car engine. 

"Oh no," Pan gulped. 

Quickly we rushed out the door and to the open window which (M/C) must have climbed through. He quickly shut it. We peered through the glass, bending down a little. We looked down and saw Boreal's car pull into the driveway. 

"Now we really have to go," (M/C) said. "Once he enters the house, we make a run for it," 

We watched through the glass as Boreal entered. Instantly, (M/C) opened the window and he swung his legs over the ledge. I watched him stand onto a rooftop section below. He turned to me. 

"Come on," he said.

But I didn't move.

"Lyra please," he begged. "I promise you we will come back for the Alethiometer. But right now, we need to get out of here," 

Still, I refused to move. I refused to listen to him.

"Lyra please," Pan begged. "We have to trust him,"

I looked into (M/C)'s eyes and saw deep regret in them. I didn't see a distrustful vengeful boy anymore. I saw a determined selfless boy approaching manhood who was just trying to help me. I had to trust him. I nodded. I sat on the window ledge and swung my legs over and stood down next to him. He reached in to pull the window closed when suddenly Boreal from down the corridor appeared. He gasped. Instantly he sprinted towards us shouting, "Stop!"

"Time to go," (M/C) said. Grabbing my hand, he pulled me and we climbed gently down the tiles towards the drain pipe. "Just follow my lead,"

I watched him gracefully slid down the pipe to the floor below. "Come on,"

I was nervous. This was a little difficult compared to Oxford.

"Come on Lyra!" (M/C) shouted.

"Go on Lyra! Hurry!" Pan pushed me. He turned into an ermine and sat on my shoulder. "I'll help you balance!"

Swallowing my anxiety, I turned around and gently gripped the drainpipe whilst positioning my boots against the wall. I jumped and I slid down. "Ow!" I scrapped my knee against the wall. Pan cried out too. 

(M/C) caught me at the bottom. "Your leg," he said.

I looked down and saw I got a straight cut against my leg. 

Suddenly we heard the door opening. 

Quickly (M/C) grabbed my hand and he pulled me towards the gates. They were closing. Just in time, we squeezed through. I looked back and saw Boreal losing a fit. 

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