Carlisle and I waited quietly until the metal door clicked securely closed.

"How bad is it?" I asked, skipping pleasantries.

"You're going to be okay," he assured me with an encouraging smile. "You sustained a pretty deep scratch down the left side of your face and across your neck and chest, but it's stitched up and healing nicely."

"Thank you," I said with sincerity. "How did I get here?"

"Renesmee and Edward found you in the woods. Edward brought you back to the house, where I treated your injuries," he informed me.

"But I'm in the hospital," I observed.

"My family needs time alone to mourn."

"Mourn?" I repeated dumbly.

"Jacob received a fatal blow to the throat. There was nothing we could do to save him."

"Oh," I said mutely. I was stunned. I knew I hurt him, but I didn't think I killed him.

"You just need to give Renesmee some time," Carlisle clarified.

"I didn't do it on purpose, I swear," I gushed. "She has to know that. I didn't mean to do it! He was going to kill me!"

"I know, I understand," Carlisle said, shushing me.

"I need to talk to her," I pleaded.

"She's deeply hurt. She isn't ready to speak to you, Violet. Give it time."

I sat silently for a long moment. "What about...?"

"A local kid, Liam Henderson, was killed in Seattle over the weekend. He was stabbed in a mugging. The tragedy has shaken the whole community," Carlisle said. He delivered his lines so smoothly that I almost believed him, myself.

"Thank you," I said softly.

"No need to thank me, Violet. Just focus on recuperating," he insisted with a kind smile. "You're in good hands."

* * *

I spent a week in the hospital before I was ready to be discharged. My stitches were removed, although my scar was still bright and angry. It began an inch in front of my left ear and ran down the edge of my face, continuing diagonally across my neck and extending past my collar bone. That hellish day would never fade from my memory. One look in the mirror was all it took to trigger it; as fresh and vibrant as if it had happened yesterday.

After I left the hospital, I went straight back to the cottage to pack my bags. I was barred from visiting the main house and I wasn't allowed to contact Renesmee, so I didn't try. At the end of the day, Jacob had imprinted on Renesmee and their bond was incredibly unique, no matter the state of their relationship. I was unsure if Renesmee would ever be able to forgive me, but I didn't have a good feeling about it.

Carlisle informed me that I was welcome to take anything I wanted, including the Jeep, but as I packed I realized that I hadn't acquired much during my time in Forks. Everything I owned fit into a single suitcase, which would easily fit in the trunk of my car.

I was officially at rock bottom. I had no family, no friends, no boyfriend, no income, and no place to live. I didn't even have a high school diploma. I lost everything. I didn't know where I would go or what I would do, but I knew I had to get out of town as soon as possible. I had absolutely overstayed my welcome.

I haphazardly shoved my clothes into my suitcase before entering the bathroom to collect my toiletries. I carelessly tossed everything in a large plastic bag and returned to the bedroom. I was just about to toss the bag on top of my open suitcase when a curious thought crossed my mind.

I rummaged through the bag for the half empty can of dry shampoo and tossed it on my bed. Then I crouched down next to the bed and reached under to pull out a different plastic bag. I checked it's contents.

Two cans of dry shampoo, tampons, a box of condoms, a tube of mascara, and a Bic outdoor lighter.

I dumped the contents of the bag on the bed and went to rummage in my backpack, which lay on the other side of the room, by the door. Once I found what I was looking for, a black Sharpie, I returned to the bed, and sat criss-cross next to the assortment of items.

I picked up one of the cans of dry shampoo and studied the label.


I uncapped the Sharpie marker and labeled each of the three cans.

Mother          Father          Brother

A light smile touched my lips as I admired my handiwork.

I tucked the cans back into the bag, along with the rest of the items, and shoved it into the bottom of my suitcase.

I loved Alec with my whole heart, more than what I ever could properly express, and I missed him so bad that it hurt. But I didn't need him.

And I certainly didn't need him to make me a monster. I could do that all on my own.

I wanted Alec. I was choosing him, and I craved to follow him back to Italy.

Because true love was oh, so sweet, but vengeance was much sweeter.

Something Sweeter - Alec VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now