Chapter 13

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Neil's POV

We all are nothing but puppets of destiny that makes us run parallel to the pre-written scripts and when the right time comes it intersects our life with the conclusion of those scripts. Time is an essential element of life, it makes us dance on the rhythm of uncertainty. We keep on planning our lives according to our fantasies or experiences but destiny plays its cards when the right time comes.

 Avni and I are childhood friends who can understand each other even without exchanging a certain amount of words, we both were familiar regarding our feelings for each other but suppressed our emotions under the curtain of hesitance, now that I think it would have been better if I had confessed my feelings for her before leaving the city or would have convinced her family to let her come with me for her further studies, everything would have been sorted at a right time and no one would have been able to create a wedge between us but we did the exact opposite and hid our true selves for god knows what reasons. I kept on thinking that when I will become successful then I will return and ask for her hand from her parents respectfully as my Avni deserves all the love and respect of this world and her family deserved a good son-in-law who can take good care of their precious daughter. These were my ideologies a few years back and I believe even Avni would have waited for me and assumed us getting into an official relationship at some point in time but our perfect plans were spoiled when a storm of hate and inhumanity hit our doors, we weren't prepared for the violent act and the adverse after-effects. 

When I met her vulnerable self in the asylum and got familiar with the alternative world she created to protect herself from the original world's cruelty, I realized she was trying to live those perfect moments with her baby she planned when the little one was growing in her womb. 

I never imagined seeing my love in this helpless state but it was bound to happen so I have no grudge against anything neither I regret holding Avni's hand in this state and I will keep on walking with her with a strong belief that we will find a destination very soon. 

I still remember the day of court-hearing, it was difficult to watch my family members getting punished for their sins, it's hard for me to deal with everything, I always considered my family as my rock and wanted to give them all the happiness of life but my good intentions and trust over them delivered a brutal slap on my face. I can't express the disappointment and hurt I was feeling when the police were arresting them but they themselves walked on this path so even I can't help them with this. Arjun was also punished and that animal was not even guilty of spoiling the life of an innocent girl who had never done anything wrong to him or his family. At the end of the day, Avni's culprits were punished and I got a little bit of my mental peace back. 

Avni's family was also present in the court and were satisfied with the charges pressed against my family, don't let their satisfaction mislead you into believing something that's not even true, they weren't bothered about Avni's condition, they were satisfied with the fact that their enemies lost their reputation. The only person who was truly guilty in the Mehta family was Avni's mother, Neela Mehta. After the end of the hearing, she came to me and asked about Avni, I wanted to let her meet Avni but at the same time, I can't predict Avni's reaction so I refused her. She just smiled and blessed our pair, I was happy that at least one person from the Mehta family genuinely cared for Avni and hoped that in the future Avni would be able to forgive her mom and both mother and daughter can rekindle their relationship.

It's been months now and I haven't encountered the Mehta family again, that's a relief, to be honest as I wanted to focus on Avni's health condition rather than dealing with some complex relationships. I moved to London with Avni where I arranged one of the best doctors for her treatment, it was a difficult phase, to say the least, we both were suffering in some way or the other but managed to hold onto each other when the time demanded. Avni's condition has improved but now she has become a silent soul full of insecurities and fears, she has anxiety issues and gets nightmares at night, the doctor has advised me to deal with her patiently and give her time to reconnect with reality. 

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