Argument and Forgiveness

Start from the beginning

"Georgie I think you're overreacting, Mal has been fine! Nothing's going to happen!" Tessa says, raising  her voice just a bit. Georgie just sighs she hated arguing and avoided it with everything in her usually, but Mal was in danger, and she wasn't going to stand by and watch Mal get sick over something they could avoid. They were in her home, and it wasn't happening under her roof.

"Tessa, trust me please. I see diabetes a lot in my job, and I know how to deal with it, but you really need to take it more seriously. I'm not overreacting, I've just dealt with this so many times." Georgie says petting Mira a bit faster she was still trying her best not to raise her voice. Her training told her not to, but still she was getting overly annoyed with this conversation.

"You're not a doctor, you don't know what's best for Mal! So just leave it be! You have no idea what we're going through! And you're not helping." Tessa basically yells, Georgie flinches a bit, but tries to cover it, and she sighs, grabbing her bag and looking at Mira. 

"I may not be a doctor, but I've been through every first aid practice around, and have experience within the field." Georgie snaps before taking a breath and sighing they both needed to cool down and she needed somewhere that she could completely be alone. 

"Where are you going?" Tessa asks madly as Georgie sighs contemplating her words she really wanted to say they both needed to cool down, but she didn't want Tessa to get even madder so she settles for saying

"I need time to cool off and to think, I'll be back later." Georgie says grabbing her car keys and bag, but leaving her phone as she didn't want to be contacted right now. She needed time out in nature. With nothing to disturb her. She then walked out quickly, Mira quickly following behind as she knew Georgie may need her. 


Tessa sighs, getting more comfortable on the couch when Mal and Pumpkin come out. Pumpkin and Mal both looked around in confusion as they both expected Georgie to be out with Tessa.  "Auntie Tessa where's Miss Georgie I want to show her which stwickers I pick out." Mal says as Tessa sighs looking at the door where Georgie had left a few minutes before.

"She had to go out for a bit. She'll be back in a bit." Tessa says Pumpkin tries not to shake her head, as Georgie didn't leave without saying goodbye. Something had to have happened, between them that Tessa didn't want Mal to know. 

"Aw otay. I go play some more!" Mal says as Tessa smiles. Pumpkin just stays glaring at Tessa as she wants to know what was actually going on Tessa sighs.

 "Georgie and I got into an argument, girl." Tessa explains as she dials Georgie's number. She felt bad for getting mad at her friend who was just trying to help. And she really wanted to apologise. Georgie may not be a doctor, but she did know a lot about different health issues. That's when Georgie phones ring Pumpkin quickly ran over to the kitchen where Georgie had left her phone. The pup cocks her head in confusion. Georgie must have really been upset to leave her phone here.

Tessa just looks at Pumpkin as she was nervous as to why Georgie had left her phone Georgie brought it everywhere in case of emergencies. It was so weird for her to leave it. "I messed up Pumpkin." Tessa admits as Pumpkin shakes her head no. The one time when Georgie and Lily were video chatting. She had talked to Georgie's pet cat and Jenna had told her that when Georgie got upset when they were younger that she went out to nature to be alone and usually turned her phone all the way off. This was just Georgie's way of calming down.

"Pumpkin, do you think Lily would mind me calling her? I would really like to know if this has happened to her before, because now I'm kind of worried about Georgie." Tessa says as Pumpkin just nods. Lily never minded talking; she actually loved talking. Tessa just nods dialing Lily's number .

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