"What's so hard about presidents? You got a damn perfect score on the GATs."

Tarry shrugged, "Tell that to my history teacher. She thinks that I think Batman is the mayor."


"Don't." Tarry groaned, "Please no. I can barely keep a girlfriend."

"If you don't keep a date soon, you won't even have that."

"Ugg, kill me now."

They walked out to the parking lot, Tarry's motorbike was sitting up front of all the cars. Dania was sitting on the bike waiting. Max hummed and Tarry internally groaned. Looks like this was it. He missed the last date to talk about all the other dates he'd missed.

"We're done?" Tarry asked her quietly.

Dania crossed her arms, "Oh how could you ever guess."

"Dania, please. Please don't give me that. I know it's done. I've probably been the worse boyfriend you've had."

"Your not the worse." Dania admitted, "I just can't wait for you all the time. I wanted some of your attention."

"And I couldn't give it. Just don't date Nash."

Dania laughed, "You know both of you are vary similar. All you have to do is talk with him."

"Like that would ever happen." Tarry sighed, rising his hand, "I hope we can still be friends."

"Yes, I can do that." She shook the hand, "And Tarry."

Tarry paused.

"Take care of yourself."

"Don't I always?" With a flick of a switch and he was off. No need to stay anymore. Maybe he should just apply for early graduation. School was such a bore. More time as Batman and more pay too. Learn to take over Wayne Enterprises now that Bruce owned it once more.

Pulling up into the over large garage, Tarry parked his bike along side all the older, more ventage, bikes. Walking into the ghost like manor, he didn't expect Bruce to be up there. No, he found the old man down in his cave. The temperamental dark mass of fur was also down there laying under the computer.

"Hey. What are we doing tonight?"

Bruce didn't even look to him before talking, "A drug trade for the Big Ts that the Jokerz trying to steal."

"So a gang fight. Great." Tarry enthused, "And everything else inbetween."

Bruce smirked, "Do you have a date to get to tonight?"

"No. I... We mutually broke it off."

Bruce hummed, "Sorry to hear that."

"Lies are unbecoming of you old man. What do am I learning tonight?"

"In the car and I'll start the lesson."

Tarry nodded pulling the suit from his bag and slipping into the changing room. The room had startled Tarry the first time Bruce showed him the area. It had been tucked behind a large bolder like rock. He got the impression that it wasn't suppose to be there and something caused it to be there. He got that about almost all of the Cave.

Stepping out, mask clenched in his hand. Bruce didn't say anything as Tarry jumping into the car. Ace barked once, his paws on the windshield. With a sigh, Tarry let the hound come with. The old man didn't comment and they were off.

Three failed robbies and an assault, one that Ace delt with without help, before Tarry was getting in position for the gangs. Ace laid ready at his feet in the catwalk above the meet zone.

"Why is it that all meet points and drug trades are in a warehouse?" Tarry questioned.

Bruce rattled off five major points before saying, "They also don't learn from their mistakes."

"Humm, sounds about right. Ahgg."

"Tarry? Something wrong?"

"Nothing. Just a headache. I'll finish up with these guys and call it a night. I think three nights of studying for GATs has caught up with me."

Bruce grunted in agreement, "Shouldn't be too much longer."

Tarry hummed once more, as he watched. Seconds ticked to minuets before an hour passed and they finally came. The Big Ts looked less than pleased as their suppliers looked slightly jumpy. Tarry counted five Big Ts, three suppliers, and if he wasn't mistaking those shadows, twelve Jokerz. Time for work.

Creeping across the walk, Ace following, Tarry made his way to picking off the Jokerz. Ace was a silent shadow following. It wasn't long before all the Jokerz were bond, gagged and ready for the cops. Now the Big Ts and Suppliers. He threw a smoke bomb and jumped at the confusion.

Every bullet missed him, as he knocked out first one Big T, than two Suppliers. Another Big T. One last Supplier. He could get the gangs at any time. Coming from the smoke, something hit him; hard. Tarry flew back into a metal support. His shoulder popped. The man staked towards him. Tarry scrambled to his feet, readying himself when his head blasted with pain.

"Don't you dare touch him!" Snarled a voice that registered as familiar and male.

"Give him over! What will you do with him? Teach him to fight? Teach him to kill?" A higher, more feline voice growled, "I'll do the same, my son. I'll make him the best."

"I don't care if he's the best or becomes a god damn teacher! You will not have him. He is mine! Leave!"


"I'm not your son! Blood does not make us family!"

"Love?" Another masculine voice entered the conversation, "YOU! Get out of my home. Now!"

"Heed my words son I will have him. He'll be the best. I'll make sure of it!" A door slammed before a sucked in breath on the crisp of a cry.

"I can't let her take him." The first male cried, "Beloved. We have to go. Leave. She can never-"

"I know love. Calm down. Your going to make Tarry cry."

"Right. Right. Calm down. But Jon-"

"We'll call Ren. Just calm down. She'll never get her hands on him."

"I can't let her take him. My Tarry. Tarry.... Tarry."


Tarry's eyes shot open before he groaned, "What?"

"Get up! Move!"

Tarry blinked around and saw Ace get tossed to the side by the damn tank of a Supplier.

'Up!' His brain yelled. Tarry was up on his feet, running towards the Supplier. 'Duck!' He ducked. 'Punch!' He punched. 'Kick!' He kicked. One thing at a a time. Block, duck, punch, roll, kick, roll, block, punch, knockout. Panting, Tarry looked around. Everything seemed normal. What in the world happened? He clutched at his head.

"Tarry? You alright?"

"Yeah." Tarry groaned, "Cops called?"

"They're only a block away. How's Ace."

Ace gave a bark even if the dog was limping slightly. Tarry reached down and petted through the dog's fur, "Don't feel anything broken. He's got some brousing though."

"Come back. I want an in person explanation for that."

Tarry was about to protest but the throbbing in his head was too much, "Yeah. Ok. I'm on my way back."

"Put the autopilot on."

"Yes sir."

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