❄Sorrowing together❄

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It's been over 5 years since they all died. A lot has changed in those 5 years. The people I was once closest to have passed on. I never imagined myself being in the place I am now. Lonely, traumatized, broken.

I felt empty

I know it's been 5 years, but it felt like time had frozen.

As I looked up at the midnight sky during the cold season where snow falls, tears gathered in my eyes. Some say water never forgets, just as my memories will never forget the horrors I witnessed before they died, but why does it feel like something is missing every time I look at the beautiful snowflakes falling down? It always reminds me that I am missing something, and part of me believes I will be alone forever, while the other half believes I will never be alone.

Adrien Well, he was like a brother to me. Nothing else. We were like peanut butter and jelly. We agreed with everything.

Nino and I were the same but it was also different. He was like a second DJ brother to me and understood my feelings and helped me with rough times and good times.

Alya turned against me with Lila and my other friends that I used to trust. I wasn't surprised, to be honest, but it still hurt that they were all gone, even after all the death threats I'd received from them.

And me. Marinette Dupain Cheng Well, I still design but not as much as I usually do. It still breaks me every time I design. It reminds me of my parents who always cheered me up and helped me make this happen. They had hope for me.

I started to walk down the sidewalk when i see Audrey Bourgeois by nearby bench looking at the sky

I slowly started to approach her.

"Audrey"As much as I don't like her for not accepting Chloe for who she actually is, I felt terrible for her. She lost both of her kids. It was heartbreaking. Imagine losing both of your kids at the same time.

"Dupain Cheng, I never expected to see you again after 5 years; I thought you'd moved to another state; despite that, there are a lot of memories here. "

"I could say the same to you," she said, despite the fact that she appeared to be much older.

"Yes, you came at a great time. Do you still design?" She looked down at me, perplexed; why would she ask me that at this time? I mean, I understand if she moved on, but did she ever consider that I hadn't?

"Yes, I'm still recovering from the incident every now and again." I looked up to see her approaching me with a tiny smile.

"It's all right, sweetie, I'm relocating to Gotham City, and I'd like for you to join me for the company because you're still designing and I'm recovering from the incident a month later, André and me split up, and everything in Paris is full of memories." She had a tear in her eye as she gazed down.

"I'll come after all my memories keep me from my dreams, and I need to open up more to people," I explain. Audrey is the most at ease person I've encountered in Paris. She shares my feelings; she's a designer like me, and she's lost a lot of folks. There are three people you can see that she actually knew and cared for.

"That's fantastic; I'm looking forward to seeing where the future takes us." She smiled broadly at me.

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