29. Luca Diaz - Idk

Start from the beginning

„but we aren't sure that it's Violet" I said.

„but there is a huge chance that it is Violet." Max one of Antonio's men said.

„we need to figure out what to do." Nicolo said.

The next 20 minutes we were talking about the plan.

„well guys leave the room now I need to talk with Luca." Antonio said.

They didn't say anything and existed the room.

Now it was only me and Antonio. I knew it won't end good.

„explain me. Everything. Every single detail." he said.

„I don't have to explain you anything about my and Sophie's relationship" I hissed at him.

„then you won't have any chance with my daughter no matter what it takes." he said.

„why do you want to know your daughter's sex life? Don't you think it's too much?" I said.

„I'm not asking you how did you two have sex, I'm asking you what's going on between you two." he said.

I knew there was no point in trying to change the subject.

„at first she was a maid. Then I made a bet with Matthew that I will have sex with her. She was nave and I seduced her. And when we had sex I sold her to Matthew. After that I realised I have some sort of feelings for her. And little by little I realised that it's not just some crush and that it's something like love I guess, I apologised to Sophie and she said she will think about it also the same day she made me kneel down and eat her out." I said.

He was more pissed now than before.

„just saying because you seem very interested in your daughter's sex life." I reminded him.

„Luca, stay away from my daughter. You don't deserve her. She is worth better than you. You will hurt her." Antonio said with anger in his voice.

„Well, fucker, if I could I would stay away From her. But I can't. And you can't do anything about it." I hissed.

A seconds later I saw a punch coming my way.

I fell backwards. Did he just punch me?

I stood up and punched him back.

„I will have Sophie because I want to and if you don't like it then it sounds like your problem. Because you will hurt her earlier than I will. So how about you let your daughter live a life? Because you can't save her from everything. She will get her feelings hurt because it's not a fucking disney story. It's a real life." I told him.

„You're fucking stupid, Luca, you will hurt her-" I cut him off while fixing my suit „I might. I might do that. And I won't be able to do anything about it. But it's a real word, everyone gets hurt one way or another it will happen to everyone. And I will have Sophie if I will feel like she's the one, because that's what I feel right now and I don't think I will change my mind." I took a deep breath „so get used to that." and with that I finished my sentence.

I gave him my hand for support to stand up. Of course he took it.

„If you actually love her, you won't hurt her." he said.

„Love doesn't mean we will have a perfect life, we will have arguments and fights and sometimes we will say words that will hurt each other and there's nothing we can do about it. We are humans being." I said shaking my head.

„I just don't want to daughter to get hurt, she's already been through a lot." Antonio said.

„I know, Antonio, I know." I said.

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