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gUYSSS 😭😭😭

i got a random pm on reddit (don't laUGH AT ME I WAS THERE FOR A SECOND 😐) and they asked me if i applied to [redacted] university and i was like omg yeah!! i did!!1! and then we started talking about it yadda yadda yadda and then they were like yeah my exams got cancelled and i was like wait. world stop. im pretty sure my country is the only country where [specific exam board]'s exams got cancelled,,, and sO they were like yEAHH im from [this] country and i was like nOOO WAYYY this entire time i thought i was just talking to someone who's like 139203 miles away!!!1 but we're literally from the same country!!!1! and they were like nAHHH and then they were like yeaHH im from [this] city and i was like dude wtf so am i?!>?>#"#>?!> and then after further talking we found out we were literally at the same hall at the same time giving the same exam 3 days prior 😐😐😐

like,,, i literally thought i'd talk to this rando for 5 mins and part ways forever but we're liTEROLLLYYY related atp 😐😐😐 and we literally applied to the same uni 😐😐😐 and we take almost the same subjects 😐😐😐😐

nOT going to lie i thought they were tracking me 🤨🤨🤨

anyways i didnt know their gender and so i aSKED and they said "i'll say nice if you say 69" and that was pretty self explanatory so anywAYS never talking to them (him) again bcz ew boys 🤢

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