"Waka... " 

I called him as I wait for him, his lilac orb locked in my moaning mouth as he take off his robe, my eyes instantly traverse on his naked body. He looks more defined now, I mean he looks hot before but now I can feel that his sex appeal is on a new level now.

Rougher and harsh, his muscles are so defined that I want to thank god that he bless me this man. He converge on our distance as he joined me on the bed again, I feel him kiss my cheeks softly before his hands cross on my nakedness. 


My brain automatically stops working after hearing those words. Remembering that, he also called their leader a princess. Ha? Did he call me? Or the girl on the field earlier? Out of impulse, I push him away on my top and immediately stand. I roamed the whole room for seconds before I found a mag near his bed. 

I reach the nude magazine that I glimpse and look at it. 'Me?' I muted.

It's my winter season shot at which I'm only wearing a glamourous thick royal blue cloak without any undergarments. Did he always buy a nude magazine like this? I look back at him while his lilac orb is fixed at me, staring intently. I laugh a bit and raise the magazine. Is he a fan of nude magazines? 

"Do you always buy magazines like this?" 

I ask as I wait for his answer, not minding if I'm standing naked in front of him. If he bought a magazine like this alternately there's no way that he isn't fantasizing about other nude models like me. I gulp as I feel all nervous and annoyed at the same time while waiting for his answer. Come on, Waka, humor me. 

"What if I am?" 

He pensively answers. I smile at him and grip the magazine so hard that it almost tore apart before I throw it at him. If that's it, then he can fuck other models. He also has a princess now. He's a big shot now, and I'm pretty sure he can fuck anyone that he wants. I immediately grabbed the robe that he tossed earlier and wore it again. 

I didn't waste any time and walked faster, not minding how I look right now, We almost fuck, but gladly the princess wakes me up. I gritted my teeth and walked away out of his penthouse. 

I don't even know why am I so upset right now. I don't care if he'll follow me or not; I want to get out in here. Nude magazines, the princess why would I even think that he didn't get laid? I walked faster until I heard muttering. 

"She's Elle Suzuki, right?" 

"Oh my! It's true that she is in Japan?" 

"Damn, she's hotter in person." 

"That's what you called a hot mom." 

I continue to walk faster, ignoring the gossips that are circling me. I didn't even care about this before not being able to walk peacefully in public places without being called was just fine for me, but now I want to quit modeling. I fasten my pace however, some group of guys suddenly block my path fuck. 

"Hi, you're Elle Suzuki, right? Can we take a picture with you?" 

They ask nicely, but I'm not in the mood to entertain these unnecessary acts. I bow and smile.

"I'm sorry, but I'm busy." 

I excused myself, but they blocked my path again. What now? I'm in a hurry, god. 


I quickly looked back when I recognized the voice. You're a lifesaver, Omi, and he's not alone. 


In an instant, I crossed our distance, leaving the group who was being pushy. Omi, Benkei, and the princess stared at me, trying to study my getup from head to toe making me conscious. I protrude my lips, realizing that I look like a lost child. 

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