christmas party pt. 2

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a/n: heyy i'm just going to put into your minds that pansy and blaise's house is a whole big ass mansion. so whenever i say "house", i don't mean a suburban home, but instead, a modern mansion with marble in every corner of it. i mean, what else would we expect from a rich pureblood couple?
i'll also be constantly changing povs throughout this chapter, so i'm sorry if it's a bit confusing. this is also my longest chapter yet.


Hermione's POV

"Wow, the place looks amazing. They really outdid themselves this year." Adrian said, staring at the house in awe.

We arrived approximately 2 minutes ago, and now we entered, arm in arm, looking around in amazement.

"Yeah, they really did. Wait, have you already been to a Parkinson-Zabini Christmas party?"

"Yeah, this is my third one, actually. I mean, we were housemates after all. Plus, we would go to each others' pureblood parties when we were younger too. So we would all hang out together as kids." he explained.

"Really? How come I've never seen you before?" I asked.

"I don't know. I've seen you before though. Last year, you were wearing a long sleeved black dress, right?"

I tried to remember my outfit from last year, and surely, "Yeah! Wow, I really don't know how I never saw you." I said with a bit of guilt in my voice.

"Well, whenever I saw you, you were either talking with Ginny and Luna or with, um, Malfoy." he said, with the last part very hesitantly.

I cleared my throat and said, "Um yeah. Probably."


"But I wasn't even with him then. We only dated a few months later." I said quickly.

My boyfriend nodded and we just stood in silence for a bit. I looked around the room. It wasn't hard for me to spot Ron because of his Weasley red hair. He was sitting in a corner and talking with Lavender, Neville and Luna.

My eyes travelled around the room and they somehow landed on a certain platinum blonde haired guy. He was talking to Pansy, and I was able to tell that he was sighing, but I didn't know why.

I really regret breaking up with him, to be honest. Well, technically we didn't officially break up. But I was just so annoyed and tired of him acting jealous all the time and I only meant for it to be a break, not a breakup. I guess I overreacted. I made a mental note to properly talk to him by the end of tonight.

"Hermione! It's been so long!" A familiar voice from behind me exclaimed. I turned around to see Seamus with Dean next to him, both smiling widely.

"Oh my goodness! Seamus! Dean! I've missed you guys so much." I wrapped them in a tight hug. "How are you guys?" I asked.

"We're great! Actually, we're kind of together now." said Seamus a bit timidly.

I only realized then that they were holding hands. My face immediately lit up.

"Really? That's amazing! I always thought I sensed something between you two. I'm so happy for you guys! This is truly amazing. Am I the only one that didn't know?" I asked.

"Everyone knows, I think. Oh wait, we didn't tell Parvati! We should go tell her now. It was great seeing you again, Mione. We'll see you around." Dean said.

"Of course! She'll be thrilled. See you!" I said. They smiled and waved, and made their way towards Parvati.

I almost forgot that Adrian was standing next to me during the whole interaction that I just had until he said, "Are they from Hogwarts? Because I don't remember seeing them there."

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