christmas party pt. 1

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Hermione's POV

Knock knock.

"Come in." I said.

The door opened and there stood Adrian, now leaning on the doorframe with his handsome face. He opened his mouth to say something but his eyes froze when he saw me.

"What? Is there something wrong? What happened?" I said worriedly. I turned around to see if there was something behind me but turned back when he started laughing softly.

"No, everything's perfect. You're just really beautiful. I wasn't ready for all of this." he said, motioning his arms to address my appearance.

"Why thanks, you clean up pretty well too."
I slowly walked towards him and planted a kiss on his cheek. He smirked with a blush creeping up on his cheeks.

That smirk, god I missed that smirk, except not from Adrian.

"Well we'd better get going now, or else Pansy will get pissed if we're late." I said.

"Yeah. Shall we?" Adrian asked with his arm outstretched for me to take.

I linked my arm with his and said, "We shall."


Draco's POV

I was in the back seat of Theo's car, with Theo in the driver's seat, waiting for Astoria to come out.

"Can you tell your bloody girlfriend to hurry up? She's taking forever." I said, annoyed.

"Sorry, I can't rush her. It's annoying but it's always worth it in the end, at least for me. Oh, here she comes." Theo said.

The black car door opened and Astoria came in and sat down in the passenger's seat. Theo was looking at her up and down and Tori just smirked.

"Told you, mate." he said.

"Told him what?" asked Tori.

"Even if it takes you an eternity to get ready, it's always worth it in the end, because he was complaining that you were taking too long." explained Theo.

Astoria rolled her eyes and said, "Didn't you have patience for Mione though?"
She quickly realized what she said and added "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to what I was sayi-"

"Yeah. Of course you weren't." I cut her off coolly.

I knew I was being dramatic, but Hermione is still a sensitive topic for me. Sure, Hermione and I have talked after our breakup, but there was still that awkward tension between us whenever we did.

I stayed silent for most of the car ride to Daphne's house.

Astoria's thumbs were moving rapidly on her phone keyboard, most likely warning Daphne about my current mood.

Sure enough, it seems like she did because Daph only said a quick "Hey" to all of us and the rest of the trip was filled with intense silence.

When the car finally pulled up on the driveway, I got out of the car as soon as it came to a halt and went searching for Blaise or Pansy.

I entered their house, which was full of people from Hogwarts and my eyes began searching for Blaise. I recognized quite a few faces, like Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Cho Chang, Hannah Abbott, Ernie Macmillan and many more.

I saw Ron, Lavender, Luna and Neville talking in a corner of the room and I headed towards them.

They all saw me and waved to me. "Hi Malfoy. Are you looking for someone?" Neville asked.

"Hey guys, yeah, have you seen Blaise or Pansy?"

"I think Blaise is talking to some old friends, but Pans is near the bar over there, if you want to talk to her." said Lavender.

"Thanks Lav, see you guys in a bit." And I dashed off to Pansy.

Blaise and Pansy are my best friends, since we've grown up together. Blaise is practically like my brother, because his mother usually made him stay with my family at the manor whenever we weren't at Hogwarts and Pansy was always a close family friend and always felt like family.

We've been through a lot together and we tell each other everything, which is why I'm going to Pansy to vent and complain about Astoria.

"You really outdid yourself this year." I said to her, looking at the decorations. She turned around and hugged me.

"Dray! You made it! I'm surprised you actually came." she exclaimed.

"Why wouldn't I come? I'd never miss a Parkinson-Zabini Christmas party." I said.

"That's good to hear. Where's Theo? Didn't you guys carpool here with Tori and Daph?"

"Um yeah, about that, I sort of lashed our on Astoria because she brought up Hermione and that made the whole car ride awkward and quiet." I admitted.

Pansy didn't look surprised, but she looked more worried. "Draco, you know that Hermione and Adrian are coming today, right?" she asked carefully.

Shit. How did that not cross my mind?

"Um I think I kind of forgot. Merlin! Do I look presentable? Is my hair fin-"

"Draco Malfoy! Are you planning on stealing Hermione from her boyfriend tonight or something?" I had to bite my lip to contain my laughter. Pansy sounded exactly like my own mother scolding me.

When I somewhat managed to keep a straight face, I said, "W-what? No! I'm not that much of an ass to do that. Look, I messed up and it hurt her a lot, but now she met some guy and he helped her out and now she's happy. All I care about is her happiness, and I'm sure she has it right now, so I should probably move on." I said.

Pansy raised an eyebrow, looked behind me towards the main door and smirked. "So you wouldn't care if she was to walk in right now, this very moment in the very house, arm linked and laughing with the one and only Adrian Pucey?" she asked.

I whipped my head around and there she was. Her strapless little emerald green silk dress hugged her petite figure perfectly, her hair was in a sleek low bun and her beautiful face was shining a bright smile. She looked ethereal.

My eyes then moved to the person next to her and saw one of my ex-Quidditch teammates and my ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend, Adrian Pucey.
Then I saw that their arms were indeed linked together.

I guess I was staring a bit too much, because Pansy snapped her fingers in front of my face.
"Earth to Draco Malfoy?"

I broke my gaze and turned back to Pansy.
She simply looked at me and said, "You're still in love with her."

I buried my face with my hands and sank to the nearest seat. "Merlin, I'm still in love with her and it's hopeless."

"It's not hopeless, Dray. I know for a fact that those two won't last because Mione isn't fully over you, and I know it." said Pansy, sympathetically.

"You don't know for sure Pans, but thanks anyway. I should probably just move on like she did."

Pansy gave me a sad look. "Just give it some time and you'll see that I was right." She patted my back and left me to my thoughts.

I just stayed there sitting alone for about 10 minutes, trying to figure out my thoughts, when a familiar angelic voice addressed me.

"Hey Draco."

It was her.

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