Chapter one

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Soul Bound: Harmony style


 July 1988: Harry is born



“Are you sure about this Prongs? Wouldn’t it be better if it was Moony?” I asked trying to convince my best friend from doing something incredibly stupid in my opinion. “I’m not entirely you know how Peter is. He is incredibly cowardly it is a miracle that he made it into Gryffindor.” James said as there was a knock on the door. “Come in.” James said. “James, Sirius I hate to bother you but Moony is here.” A very pregnant Lilly said. “How much did you hear?” James asked as he kissed his wife’s cheek. “Enough and don’t get mad James but I agree with Padfoot on this one. We have the baby to think about. And no offense but Peter would sell us out the first moment that he got. I don’t care what Dumbledore wants. What I want is to dance with you at this one’s wedding.” Lilly said patting her engorged belly earning a toothy grin from James. “If that is what you want. “Plus as you know he won’t come after me.” Lilly said as Moony came into the room. “And we all know why and even I still can’t believe it. The charming man that I met every time that I’ve met him doesn’t compare to what the press paint him as.” Moony said. “Well because it’s actually Dumbledore that is the dark lord. So it is all a bunch of lies.” Moony said. “Speaking of which dad is coming for dinner this weekend he wants to check our wards personally not that he doesn’t trust you. But he wants to be double sure that we’re save especially while I’m pregnant. He said he’s bringing mum around as well.” Lilly said as James nodded. “So tell me how Lilly Evans came to be when she is really Lillian Joy Riddle?” I asked. “Well mum thought it was best especially since she teaches at Hogwarts.” Lilly said as she leaned over in pain. “Lills are you okay?” James asked standing up and heading over to Lilly. “I hate to say this but its time.” Lilly said as we helped her out of the room. “Guys we’ll see you at St.Mugo’s.” I said as we aparated away. About six and a half hours later a little boy was born. “Okay Prongs?” I asked after he stopped shaking and saying ‘I have a son’. “Okay Padfoot.” Prongs said after whispering with Lilly. “We have decided before telling you his name that our son will have two sets of godparents. Two god fathers and two god mothers since we can’t decide. For his godfathers we have decided on you two. Because you are like family to us. And will hopefully not get him into as much trouble as you all did in school.” Lilly said as she smiled widely at us. “We would be honored you two.” We said together. “But could you now tell me what my godson’s name is?” I asked. Knowing that Amelia would grill me for it as soon as I got home to her and little Susan. “Just one more thing Padfoot his godmothers are Amelia Bones and Alice Longbottom. Lilly’s best friends.” Prongs said. “My Amelia?” I asked. “Yes so go get the others then we will tell you his name. And don’t forget Frank and Susan.” James said as the two of them shared a look. They were up to something they couldn’t fool me.


Once the others had left we had some much needed family time until the nurse interrupted us. “Mr. and Mrs. Potter there is something that you need to know.” The nurse said. “What is it? Is there something wrong with my son?” I asked starting to get worried. “Oh it’s nothing like that. But it’s just your son is in the soul bound registry. They won’t be bonded until they meet.” The nurse said shocking us into silence. “What does that mean?” Lilly asked after several long minutes. “It means basically that their souls are pure and they are perfect for each other in every way. But they will need a lot of help along the way to their happiness. Don’t discourage it.” The nurse said as there was a knock at the door. Standing there was Albus Dumbledore. I got up to stand in front of my wife and son. “What do you want you are not welcome here. You know that you are not allowed within 500 yards of this family line you know that.” I said as Amelia and the others came back into the room. “You have been told that numerous times Professor. Leave now or we will call the aurors and you will not like how it ends. As the nurse heard this she called just that and security. Within moments Kinsley and a few others were in the room. “Albus Dumbledore you are under arrest for crimes against the Noble and Ancient House of Potter.”Kingsley said as they took him into custody. “Kingsley I think it is best if he is removed from Hogwarts and that Minerva McGonagall was made Headmistress.” Frank said stepping into the room with a little boy that looked a few hours old. Seeing as Amelia was wheeling Alice into the room. “ I agree I will head over to the school as soon as I am finished here. And my friends congratulations.” Kingsley said as Dumbledore was dragged away. “Thank you but would you like to hear his name before you go?” Lilly asked. “Sure he is a handsome little devil isn’t he?” Kingsley said as he tickled his tummy. “Everyone this is Harry James Potter. Harry these are your Aunts and Uncles.” I said making everyone in the room close to tears. “Yes even you Kingsley. You are after all part of the family. But tell Mad Eye to pay us a visit as soon as he can.” I said before Kinsley left he nodded in agreement with a smile upon his face. Knowing that this was only the first of many children for the Potter family.

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