Chapter 11

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Everything was fuzzy and muffled. His throat hurts, his lungs burning in need of fresh oxygen. A tug on something around his throat made him cry out in pain. He just wants this to stop. He wants to breathe...

Then, as if his prayers were heard, it stopped. No more tugging or choking him, only emptiness. And then his throat was free. Fresh, cool oxygen filled his lungs, almost burning just as much, but it felt so much better.

Not soon after he felt gentle hands work their way through his feathers, searching for something. He flinched when it made contact with a wound, letting out a distressed chirp. The hands went away from his wound and stroked through his feathers again, calming him.

For a second the wound burned even worse, then it fully went away. He sighed in relief and felt himself drifting further into unconsciousness. Sleep... he just wants to sleep.

A gentle voice tried to break through the fuzzy haze that filled his head.

"Phil... can you hear me? Are you with me?"

Techno... he's here. He came to save him. A tired trill left his throat as he leaned into the touch, the hand on his head slowly stroking through soft feathers.

"Alright... Good... you're safe now... everything is okay..." 

Even with sleep gripping at the edges of his mind, he tried to force his eyes open. His vision was blurry, but he could see a mess of pink and red in front of him. 'Techno...'

"There you are... I got you... it's okay..."

He whined and closed his eyes again, exhaustion making his eyelids too heavy to keep open. The hand never left his head, soft murmurs easing him into a much needed sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It hurt to see his friend this way and it made his blood boil again. Oh how much he would love to just revive these Bastards and kill them all over and over and over again.

"Is he going to be okay?" "Yes... he just needs sleep. His throat is fine... and his cuts are healed." He played with the black feathers for a little while longer before turning back to Ranboo. "Are you hurt anywhere else? I got more potions." "No, I'm fine..."

The hybrid's eyes scanned through the room, his ears slightly pinned back when seeing all the bodies. "Ranboo... I'll take care of the bodies. If you see or even hear the tiniest noise, immediately call for me. We don't know if there are any other hunters out there."

The Enderman nodded and sat down close to Phil, gripping his axe again. "I'm sorry you got wrapped up in this..." "It's fine. It's not like I've never fought before. And... I think it was good I was here. I was able to keep them back just a bit longer... so you could get here in time."

Techno smiled and patted Ranboo's head. "I know... and I'm glad you did. But I don't want you to get hurt for something you're not part of. They were after Phil and you were in their way..." "I don't care. You two are my friends... you accepted me into your family, gave me a place to stay. Why wouldn't I try to help you?"

It made Techno's heart swell with pride when hearing the teen talk like that. Not because he is willing to kill and be violent, but because he has the same soft spot and protective instincts that they have towards him.

"I know kid... I know. Stay here and keep your eyes open. I'll be back in a few minutes." Ranboo nodded and watched as Techno started to pick up and drag the bodies outside. It took a while, because there were just too many to count.

While he was doing all of this, his mind was constantly going back to what that man had said. 'We will bring her Angel back.' Who the hell where they talking about? Phil never mentioned anyone that could demand his presence like this, especially by force.

The only time he had ever mentioned a woman in general was his wife. It was a distant memory, as the subject barely ever came up. But he knows he has one, or at least had one. Both Tommy and Wilbur are their biological children, both from the same mother. So he knew Phil had someone he loved like that.

Could it be that they meant her? No... that couldn't be. Why would his wife send someone to force her husband back to her? With how fondly he spoke of her the few times he did, he would probably drop everything and just go visit her if she asks him to.

By the time he had all the bodies outside, he had even more questions than answers. And he can't really ask Phil about it too, because he's not able to answer in a way he would be able to understand.

Techno groaned and was about to just burn the bodies when he noticed quite a few crows watching him, or more like eying all the dead bodies. Perhaps they want their own version of revenge on the attackers.

"Alright. You can have them." In less than a second, a storm of black feathers and sharp talons surrounded the bodies, ripping at the flesh. He watched the birds eat away at the corpses for a few minutes before getting back inside.

At least he doesn't have to burn them now. The smoke would have probably attracted more attention to them. He saw the destroyed doors again and sighed. He has to fix them before dark so monsters can't get in, or other attackers.

"Ranboo? Everything okay up there?" "Yes. Phil's sleeping and a few crows are here to help keep watch." "Good. I'll try and fix the doors and get rid of as much as the blood as I can." "Okay."

With a final look around the room and seeing the trashed furniture, he got to work, the only other noises were the crows outside and soft caws from upstairs.

All while Techno was on high alert for any other intruders as well as still trying to figure out who 'She' could be.

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