Chapter 10

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It all happened so fast. One second he was happily dozing in his nest with Ranboo curled up against his side, soft kitchen noises coming from downstairs. The next brutal kicks met the balcony doors, making Ranboo and Phil jump awake. Someone was here to hurt them. More kicks were thrown against the balcony door and Phil could hear the same noises from downstairs.

They were surrounded.

Ranboo gripped the handle of his axe, shaking. He wasn't wearing his armor. He's vulnerable. Phil tried his best to cover Ranboo, puffing his feathers in anger. He won't go down without a fight and he knows Techno won't as well. 'Where is he? I can't hear him. He would have come upstairs by now. Did they get him? Is he hurt?'

Before he could spend another second on thinking about Techno, the door was broken down. Ranboo flinched and pressed closer to Phil, trying his best to keep his hands steady. The large crow shrieked at the intruders, wings flared out, both as a threat and as more safety for Ranboo.

He didn't recognize any of the men that came into the room. These aren't people who live on the SMP lands. They were armed with iron swords and armor, but the gear was not the problem, the numbers were.

The first man raised his sword to attack, but Phil was faster. He darted forward, screeching as he sliced at the first person in reach. His talons and beak easily slicing through flesh and armor. Somewhere behind him Ranboo was fighting off attackers as well.

But even with their level of fighting skills, it wasn't enough. Phil let his guard down when Ranboo cried out behind him, a large gash on his leg. The bird tried to cover him the best he could, but there were just so many of them.

Before he realized what was happening, he felt a sharp sting at his side and a rope thrown around his neck. They are trying to capture him! Where is Techno?! He can't protect Ranboo on his own!

Phil threw himself to the side, knocking two attackers away. With one last desperate attempt, he shrieks as loud as he could. He can't remember the last time he had to do this... but he has no other choice.

He shrieks again, feeling another rope wrapping around his body. A familiar cry, one he probably last used during the times of the Antarctic Empire, decades ago.

A cry that summons the Blood God to his side.

When he tried to call out again, another rope wrapped around his throat, strangling him. His vision immediately started to become blurry and he gasped for air.

'Techno! Where are you?! Help us!'

He faintly noticed how Ranboo was tied up as well, hearing his scared voice call out for help. The bird tried to get up one last time, but the lack of oxygen forced him to collapse on the ground.

Black dots danced around in his vision, his hearing becoming muffled. The last thing he saw before blacking out was a flash of pink.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Techno sprinted back home as fast as he could, his blood boiling with rage. Someone is hurting his family. His friends. And he will murder anyone who dares to lay a finger on his family.

He reached the clearing their home was located on and his vision turned red. The doors were broken down and shouts came from inside the building. 


He ran into the house, his axe drawn and ready to slice through anyone that dared to stand in the way. The living room was swarmed with armored men, some already on their way upstairs.

Techno roared and sliced through the first person, drawing the attention of the other intruders. Not that it mattered. He will tear them all apart limb from limb for even thinking about hurting the people he cares about.

One after the other fell to his blade, none of them standing a chance against his rage. Even with one arm, no one came even close to getting a hit on him.

Slowly, too slowly, he made his way upstairs. A pained cry emitted from Phil's room and he snaps. His axe sliced through everyone in his way, blood covering the floor and walls as well as his clothes.


When he finally, finally, reached his friends room, the voices roared out, deafening him to any other sound. Phil was on the ground, multiple ropes around his neck, choking him. Ranboo was curled up in the corner, ropes around him as well. Deep purple blood covering the ground beneath him.


And that's what he did. He cried out in rage and jumped at the first person in reach, killing them in seconds. More swarmed around him, trying to keep him away from their prize.

It only made him lose control more.

The intruders fell like flies, not putting up much of a fight. Not even a minute later the room was empty, bodies littering the floor. Only one remained with a strong grip on the rope around Phil's throat.

Techno growled and creeped towards him. "Let. Him. Go." "You think this was it? That you kill me and then it's over?" The man laughed, cold blue eyes staring at him from beneath the dark hood. "There are others who want him. If we can't get him, someone else will."

The Piglin ripped the man away from his friend and slammed him against the wall. "Who?! Who is after him?! What do you want from us?!" The man just grinned, sharp teeth showing. Whatever this is... he's not human.

"We will bring her Angel back. She will be satisfied and leave us alone."

"Who is she?!" Instead of an answer, he only received a laugh. "Your threats don't scare me." Techno had enough. Without a second thought, he gripped the man's throat harder and snapped it.

The body fell to the ground, lifeless. He didn't waste another thought on what that bastard has said as he rushed to cut through the ropes around Phil's neck.

He made sure that he is still breathing before turning to Ranboo, trying to patch up his leg with a healing potion. "Where did they come from? What happened?" Ranboo groaned and twitched when his wound slowly stitched itself back together with magic.

"I don't know... they came out of nowhere... we tried fighting them off, but there were to many." Techno just nodded. Once The Enderman was taken care of, he turned back to Phil, checking for any wounds.

"Techno... what did he mean with... he won't be the only one."

The pink haired man sighed. "I don't know." 

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