"It's not like that man!" Haru tried to explain himself and at least clear some things up.

"Don't try to cover thing up!" Hachi shouted back.

At this point the the lieutenant is pissed because they're changing the topic, he have a gun pointed at a hostage's head and they're arguing!.
"Shut it you two!" He shouted. All the attention goes to the man.

Y/N who is the verge of fainting can't comprehend what is happening to her surrounding right now cause all she can think about is the pain that she's experiencing at the moment.

A loud siren was heard throughout the area, it's getting closer to scene and the lieutenant panicked, Hanma and Kisaki who's behind the man took the opportunity and punched his head from behind. He let Y/N go and turned to kill the guy who just punched him.
"You bastard!" He shouted as soon as he realized who punched his head.

"Put your hands up!" A cop shouted and the others point their gun towards the lieutenant.

The lieutenant pointed his gun towards Hanma and were about to shoot him but luckily some random police man shoot the lieutenants hand which is holding the gun.
"Agghhhhhh!" The lieutenant shouted in pain.
"Don't make me repeat my words" The police man threatened.

The lieutenant couldn't accept his fate that he's going to jail for many reasons.
"Sakata Kohaku. You're under arrest for fraud, murder, false accusations and many more" this is the time where he realized that it's all over... But he refuses to aceept it.
"No! I'm the lieutenant! Yokohama is my turf! You can't arrest me! I have my rights! You don't have evidence!" He shouted, refusing to sink whatever it is that's happening. He's just spouting nonsense to avoid jail.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.” the police man stated as he is about to handcuffed Kohaku.....

As soon as Kohaku let Y/N go, Haru took the opportunity to catch the unconscious body of Y/N.
"Ambulance!" Haru shouted and some police came in response.
"What do we got here?" One of them asked.
"She got shot two times in the left arm and she have a fever, based on the dark circle below her eyes I'm guessing this fever started a few days ago, and since she doesn't sound well when we talked over the phone a few days" he explained to the medics who rushed over.

"We need to stop the bleeding" the medic said as he put pressure on the wound,
Y/N who's unconscious, flinced.

A few minutes later 2 police cars arrived at the scene.
"Y/N! My daughter where is she?!" A man shouted as soon as he got out of the car.
"She's here sir!" A policeman responded. As soon as Y/N's father heard that he immediately run towards the girls direction.

Y/N's father is a well respected man in Yokohama since he's rich and always donate to several charity's and because of that his name is well known in the area.

As soon as he saw Y/N laying on the ground with blood rushing out of her body, he felt anger. Anger towards himself for not being able to protect his precious daughter. To him Y/N is someone who's so pure and innocent even tough he know that his daughter lead Yokohama's top gang.

"I'm sorry sir, this is my fault. I didn't protect her" Haru claimed that he's the one to blame, he know Haru too well that Haru is willing to die for her daughter's safety and the fact that Y/N is hurt and he's not, only means that their are certain circumstances that's why he couldn't protect Y/N.

"Where's that bastard?!" He asked the policeman who's near them. He is well aware who to blame.
"He's here sir!" The policeman who's handcuffing Kohaku shouted. He's about to lock the handcuffs when Kohaku punched him and grabbed his gun that's near him.
"Don't fucking move!" He demanded as he pointed the gun at Y/N's way once again.
"Drop the gun!" A policeman said as he pointed his gun towards Kohaku.

𝑫𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑭𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒅 𝑬𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒆 || Tokyo RevengersWhere stories live. Discover now